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Bro. Joshua Marshall • November 30, 2023. .
New Paragraph Revelation of Jesus Christ Series Pt. 8
Precious Heavenly Father, Lord. Lord, that song truly echoes our heart, Father. Lord, there is no word in the English language that can describe, Father, how grateful we are for what You have done, and are doing, and will do, Father. Lord, we thank You, Father. From the bottom of our hearts, Lord, we want to say how much we love You, how much we appreciate You, Lord, for the kindness. Your mercies are new, Lord, they are new every day, Father. We want to thank You for the dew of mercy that has fallen on our lives and our hearts. It has given us a hope, Father, that maketh us not ashamed, God, has given us a peace, a rest, that true Sabbath Lord, that we've stepped into.
Father, when the world is dying, Lord, pulsating and shaking, God, with the judgments, Lord, here Your people are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, bathing in Your presence, Father, tucked away in Goshen, as it were, Lord. And we want to thank You, Father, thank You that You thought of us, Lord. Who is man that thou art mindful of him, the Scripture says. God, but You thought of us, so much so, Lord, that You became us, Lord. You're veiled in Your people this evening, Father. We want to thank You, Father.
May You abide with us this evening, Lord, and we've just come again to hear from Your Word, Lord. Just to have a pint, to take a pint of … as it were, Lord, and to recharge in the middle of the week, God. May You just abide with us, Lord. May the Words of Life come forth this evening, Lord, and may we draw strength. God, we will be careful once again, Lord, to give You all the praise, all the honor, Lord, for You alone are worthy of it. We want to thank You, Father, be blessed and have the pre-eminence.
And we will be careful to give You all the praise, the honor and the glory Father, for we are asking in Jesus precious and mighty Name. Amen and Amen.
Praise His wonderful Name. Amen. How many are grateful to be in the house of the Lord this evening. It's so wonderful to see each and every one again this evening. Amen. It's cold outside, but on the inside of the heart, there's a warmth that God has given us. Amen.
Thank you, Brother Mike. Thank you, my sister. Amen. I was blessed by Brother Mike's Scripture, Amen. You know how God just does little things? Just to show that He's moving amongst us. Amen. Brother Mike just read that Scripture and how it says, We have come into the Holies of Holies by the Blood of Jesus Christ to boldly approach His throne of grace and mercy. Amen. And that's what I want to speak on tonight, Amen, if the Lord would have us. Amen. Praise the Lord. May God bless you. Amen.
Just two portions of Scripture this evening. The book of Genesis chapter 22.
Genesis, I'm sorry, my bad, sorry, excuse me. Genesis chapter 3, verse 22. Genesis chapter 3, verse 22. The Bible says,
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever:
23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the Tree of Life.
Amen. And then just the Book of Isaiah, chapter 30, from verse 26. The Scripture says,
30 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun...
How many know what the moon signifies? The church. The Bible says,
30 Moreover the light of the moon shall be as light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
Amen. How beautiful is that Scripture. Praise His wonderful. Amen. You may be seated. Amen.
Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun. The moon and the sun are one. Amen. Brother Branham says the Church, which is the Bride of God, reflects the Son. Amen. She begins to utter forth the very Light, the Light of the Son. Amen. The Light of the S O N. And the Light of the Sun shall be sevenfold, as the Light of seven days. Amen. In that day, the Lord bindeth up the breach of His people. And we spoke about that great breach, which was Adam being cut off from that Tree of Life.
But in this day and this season, praise the Lord, that is restored back. Amen. And the very sons and daughters of God are ushered back into the presence of God. Why? Because the Blood of Jesus Christ, that Lamb that has come forward, the Lamb that shed His blood on Calvary, Amen, and purged.
That Scripture, Hebrews 10, that Brother Mike read there, it said also, once and for all, He has purged the believer. In the Old Testament, they would have to give sacrifice after sacrifice, but aren't you grateful to see that once and for all, the Blood of Jesus Christ was shed, and a way was made. Do you know what that way that was made is? Now the Lion of the tribe of Judah can step forward and usher in all these sons and daughters, His Bride back into the Tree of Life, back into the Holies of the Holies. Amen. I love that this morning. Amen.
I was reading a quote where Brother Branham said, that the true believer needs to become acquainted with the supernatural. Brother Branham said, we need to believe in Angels. Amen. It's not what the Roman Catholic Church would portray or what movies would portray, but we understand in the presence of God there are Angels. Amen. The Bible speaks of them as heavenly beings, the Cherubims, and the Seraphims, but I thank God that there's also earthly angels. Amen.
And we saw those Seven Angels that were in the hands of God, standing before His throne. Those were earthly angels, but ministered from heavenly beings that come down, Brother Branham said, make their abode amongst mortals. Amen. I'm thankful. Brother Branham in one place, he speaks of the Angel in Revelations. And you know, John was so taken up by that seventh Angel, he began to kneel before him in worship. And the Angel said, don't do it because I am of your kind, of the fellow prophets, your brethren. Amen. Don't do it, worship God. And Brother Branham said, that was a ministering Angel. And Brother Branham turns around and says, he's present right now. I love that. Amen.
Where the Bride of Jesus Christ, where the Word is coming forth, there are ministering Angels coming forth to bring you the very utterance from God. Amen. So we believe in Angels. We believe in the supernatural. We believe that right now, Brother Branham said, like Elisha and Gehazi, if God would have opened his eyes, he would have seen chariots of fire. Brother Branham said, if God would just open your eyes, you'd see Cherubims flying back and forth, Amen, the Angel of God, the Scripture said. Many a times we read it as the Angel, but the Scripture said, the Angel of God encamps around those that fear His Name. Amen. I want to speak on that this evening. Amen.
Just to remind ourselves how precious it is that the Bride has found herself back in the presence of God, back in the Holies of Holies. You know, Brother Branham says that's why the Bride of Jesus Christ would live such a holy life by God's grace, because we're sensitized to the atmosphere that we're in. We are not in the atmosphere of just amongst each other in a social way, but we are in the atmosphere of the very God that created the heavens and earth. He's among us. And we have to be so in tune, so sensitized to that presence of God, that He's not only around us, but in us.
May God continue to soften our spirit as it were, to sensitize us to His presence, because once you recognize the supernatural in the midst, God will begin to speak to us. Amen. But the thing is, we need to delve out and drum out the noise and the voices we find in Laodicea and come and recognize the supernatural among us. And then God can take us into that supernatural realm where all things become possible. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen.
So turn with me to Genesis, just to lay the foundation there. Genesis chapter 2, from verse 8.
Genesis chapter 2 from verse 8, the Bible says, verse 8,
8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
And we said there the commandment went out: of every tree, eat. Only one tree was not allowed, as it were, that was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Amen. But of the Tree of Life eat. Adam was in the condition to eat, but he lost that privilege. Amen. So you know, it's so beautiful when you look at the Scripture, because we understand that the Bible said, The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden. And you know, when you speak of anything east, it's the Lion of the tribe of Judah. It speaks of Christ. He came from the east. The same S-o-n that rose in the east is the One that we see in the west.
Even in the old tabernacle, it was the tribe of Judah that was on the eastern side. And on the southern side was Reuben. And you know that Judah speaks of the Lion on the east. On the southern side was Reuben which speaks of the Man. On the northern side was Dan the Eagle, and on the western side was Ephraim, the Ox, Brother Branham said. And those tribes protected the very holies, the Tabernacle of God.
But it's amazing how Brother Branham said each and every one of those tribes had a banner, a flag, that represented the beasts. And he said the banner of Judah was the Lion. Reuben was the Man, Ephraim was the Ox, and Dan the Eagle. Those were banners that they had, signifying their positions around the tabernacle. Why is it that way? Because God showed Moses what was in Heaven. Amen. God was in an earthly way trying to replicate what was in heaven, so that He could lay the type out of the Holies of Holies. The very throne room of God could be found in the Old Testament in type, so that when we come to the anti type, which is where we at, we will recognize His presence.
Amen. So the East types Christ and how the garden was put on the East. Brother Branham said… sister, if you could just have one slide…
You know, and it's beautiful, because as I'm going through this, you see there on the Eastern side, the first thing as the believer approaches the West… So the Holies of Holies, where the ark was tabernacled, was the western side. On the eastern side, as the believer makes his way from the east, coming west to the Holies of Holies, the first thing he hits is the altar. Sacrifice. First thing. So they would wash the sacrifice there in the lavor and then take it to the altar to be sacrificed.
And Brother Branham begins to position this, take us back to Eden and position this very same picture for us back there. And listen what he says. He says, Revelations Chapter 4, 1961, he says,
283 ‘Cause if man ever got a hold of the Tree of Life…
Now I want you to know, just before I go to this quote, there were Cherubims with flaming swords protecting the way to the Tree of Life. And you'll notice those Cherubims find their way right through, all the way to Genesis. Revelation chapter 4, Brother Branham said, notice, he said, the Scripture doesn't say Cherubim, it said Cherubims with flaming swords, protecting the way to the Tree of Life. Now listen to what Brother Branham said, he said,
283 ‘Cause if man ever got hold of the Tree of Life, then he could live forever.
284 And these Cherubims, first mentioned, was placed at the east gate of the garden, going four ways. I should have made that a little different from that; I can't do justly to God's orders and things like that, but so that you'll know what I mean. There's the garden of Eden. And this gate right here, opens up and swings out. And this gate was where the Cherubims was. Cherubims! And, remember, it doesn't say a Cherubim, it said Cherubims were placed there to guard what? The Tree of Life...
Amen. So in your mind, we know when you see Cherubim, you're speaking of guardians of that Tree of Life, guardians of the presence of God. Amen. So it says,
284 … That's what they were to guard, the Way of the Tree of Life. The way, Who is the Way?...
It's only one way. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man can come to Me except, to the Father, except through me. That's why Brother Branham said the Tree of Life was Christ. Amen. He said,
284 …where is it reflected from? Here is the holy place…
Hallelujah. Amen. Let's just… Brother Branham said, what they were protecting was the holy place, the Holies of Holies. Amen. The holy place where God's presence, which is that Tree of Life, was there and that's what God was protecting. And Adam in his fallen condition could not go back to that, the Holies of Holies.
The Brother Branham says,
285 Now watch, put all this down. Here is the Holiest of Holies, this is the holy place, and here is the sea, and here is the light candles, the seven that reflect the light from here… (speaking of Revelations 4 there) … that reflect the light from here, in here, in here, in here, in here , in here, in here. See? What are they reflecting? They are guarding and reflecting with the fire of God, the way to the Tree of Life…
It's His presence, His throne, the very dwelling place of the Creator of heaven and earth. Amen. It says,
285 … See, it can't come from over here, a Presbyterian seminary or a Pentecostal seminary, it's got to come from Here, reflecting the Light. All right,
286 You notice, these Cherubims that John saw here… (he's speaking of Revelations 4, we'll come to that.) … must be interested in keeping the Tree of Life, so they must be interested in human beings.
Listen to the way the prophet is saying it. These tree… these Cherubims, protecting the way to the Tree of Life must have been interested in human beings.
286 … Or read Genesis, getting back to Genesis again. “They kept the Tree of Life, guarded It, the way of life.” The way of life! How is the way? Jesus said, “I am the way. I am that bread that comes from God out of Heaven. If a man eats this Bread, he will live forever.” Now there is the Way back to that Tree of Life. You get it?
287 Now at this, I want to show now… (listen to this. He says,) … to make this sure… (I'm just laying the foundation, but Brother Branham said:) … it's an altar.
Praise the Lord. He's saying where the Tree of Life was positioned is an altar, on the eastern side. What do you hit first as a worshiper coming? The altar. He says that the Tree of Life was an altar. He said,
287 …Now, this must have been an altar at the Garden of Eden. I'll tell you why. Do you remember both Cain and Abel come up here to worship? So that shows that God's altar was moved and set here at the Garden of Eden, and the only way back to Eden is by the altar…
The only way back to where? The Holies of Holies, the Ark, the Tree of Life, Christ, is by the altar. So, Brother Branham said on the eastern side there was an altar where Cain and Abel went to make their sacrifice. Amen. It says that
287 … the only way back to Eden is by the altar. Here you are again, see, back to Eden through the altar. And they were to keep that way there, guard it, that they couldn't get back there until the altar was covered with blood.
Hallelujah. Back to where? Tree of Life. But you see, it had to take the Lamb of God that would be laid on the altar, a sacrifice once and for all, that the way back to the Tree of Life could be presented to the believer. Amen.
If you would just turn with me to Exodus chapter 25. Do you see that visual picture in your minds this evening? Exodus chapter 25, if you would, Amen. I just want to quickly touch on the Cherubims and the old tabernacle. Verse 16, the Bible says,
16 And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give thee.
I love that, the testimony. In Revelations John says, the testimony of Jesus Christ. That's what the Book of Revelations is. The very culmination of the Scripture is the testimony of Jesus Christ.
So he says, and I will
16 … put into the ark the testimony, which I shall give you.
17 And thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold: two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof.
18 And thou shall make two Cherubims of gold, of beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat.
19 And make one cherub on one end, and the other cherub on the other end: even of the mercy seat shall ye make the Cherubims on the two ends thereof.
20 And the Cherubim shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one toward another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the Cherubims be.
21 And thou shall put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee.
There's only one testimony. The testimony of Jesus Christ, the Tree of Life. Amen. And he says, And there I will meet with thee… This is not a place. This is not a physical place. This is the restoration of the true worshiper. Says,
22 And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two Cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.
Amen. Now, I like the way the Scripture puts it there in Exodus 25. It says there were two Cherubims that were facing the ark, the testimony. And it says they had faces and they were both facing one towards each other like that. But in Exodus, it doesn't say what they were. Because remember, we'll come to those Cherubims. They get very specific, the Bible does, about these Cherubims. But, in Exodus 25, it doesn't tell us much. It just says there were two Cherubims facing each other, overlooking the ark, the mercy seat. Amen.
So, if you turn with me to Ezekiel, the 40th chapter. Sorry, I'm just going to be referring, because this is still a Bible study, so you don't mind us going through Scripture this evening, as you make notes there. Ezekiel 40th chapter.
So now we've seen those Cherubims in the Old Tabernacle, and the instruction went forth to Moses. And I want you to notice whenever you see the presence of God, the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, it was Cherubims. In the Ark of the Old Tabernacle, Cherubims.
Amen. So the Bible says in Ezekiel 40 verse 18. This is Ezekiel speaking of the temple that was built. He says, and it was made with Cherubims. This is if you look at chapter 41, it's speaking of the holy place, the Holies of Holies. Ezekiel is describing the temple of God. Amen. And it says, verse 18,
8 And it was with Cherubims and palm trees, so that the palm tree was between a Cherub and a Cherub; and every Cherub had two faces;
19 So that the face of a man…
So now we see those two Cherubims actually have representation. Brother Branham said what they are. Those are powers.
19 So that the face of a man was toward the palm tree on the one side, and the face of a young lion toward the palm tree on the other side: …
So facing each other: man, Reuben; lion, Judah. Amen. It's beautiful when you look at it, because the question is, we know that there are four beasts. So in the representation of the ark in the tabernacle and the temple, God seems to leave out the Ox and the Eagle, because all that Ezekiel is describing is the face of a Man and the face of a Lion overlooking the mercy seat, the ark of the testimony, the Word.
But you realize there, (we will come to it) Ezekiel said, those Cherubims with the faces, they can only move in one direction: forward. They could not turn. And the Bible said, wherever the one went, the other went. In other words, they are separate powers, but they move together in the same direction. And Ezekiel said (we'll read it) as the Spirit moved, they moved.
In other words, you realize the face of a Man, the face of a Lion, overlooking the ark. So in other words, the only way to the ark was now either through the Eagle or the Ox. What does that mean? Access to the Tree of Life is by the Eagle, which is revelation, Amen, praise the Lord, and the Ox, which is sacrifice. Praise the Lord. Revelation and sacrifice. Praise the Lord.
But we'll see how these Cherubims were transformed in the types of the tabernacle and the temple, and what it was eventually represented in Revelations for us. Amen. So praise the Lord. I just want to go back to Ezekiel chapter 1.
Now, if you have time, be sure to work your way through the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Daniel. You know, I found that the three most powerful Books are Ezekiel, Daniel, and Isaiah. You know why? Because they are perfect mirror images of everything, all the way from Genesis to Revelation. What you can garner from those Books is amazing, and you see how God's Word cannot fail. Line upon line, precept upon precept, it lines up 100%. Amen.
So the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 1, and I just want to go through it, Amen, if you just allow me. The Bible, we can pick it up from verse 4. Chapter 1, verse 4, and it says,
4 And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof a color of amber, out of the midst of fire.
5 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures...
So now we see there's a transformation. Now, the Old Testament, in the tabernacle was those two. Now we see four. Why? Because we’re speaking of the powers of God that would restore us back to the Tree of Life. Amen.
This is what Ezekiel - we see is the anti type of the type that was in the old tabernacle and in the temple. This is the reality. See, that's what Brother Branham turns around and says, Daniel saw the thunders. He said, Daniel saw the mysteries. Brother Branham said it. Because Ezekiel and Daniel had a revelation of what was seen in Revelations 1, Amen, being prophets, that is.
So the Bible says,
5 Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. (Verse 5) And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man.
6 And every one had four faces and every one had four wings.
Brother Branham says those are Cherubims, because in the Scripture you'll see it speaks of two celestial Angels. Seraphims, six wings. Amen. Cover the eyes, body and the feet. And they give worship and praise and then the Cherubims, which have four wings - but something beautiful. We will get there. Amen.
He says, and every one of them had four wings and - verse 7
7 And their feet was straight feet; and the sole of the feet was like the sole of a calf's foot: …
So these Angels, these powers only have one foot. One pair of legs and one pair of feet, which look like calves. Amen. And the Bible says there, you'll see, it says they only move in one direction. They cannot turn. One power is facing that way, one that way, one that way and one back. Four different ways. Amen. But they have one direction that they can move in. And the Bible said, wherever the Spirit of God moves, they move in that way. Amen.
So verse 8 says,
8 And they had the hands of a man under their wings on the four sides; and they four had the faces and their wings,
9 Their wings were joined one to another; they turned not when they went; they went every one straight forward.
10 As for the likeness of their faces, the four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side; and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had a face of an eagle.
11 Thus were their faces: and their wings were stretched upward; two wings of every one were joined one to another, and two covered their bodies.
12 And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went.
13 As of the likeness of living creatures, (verse 13) their appearance was like burning coals of fire…
Now, I want you to take notice of this. It says,
13 … and like the appearance of lamps: (Just make a mental note of that appearance of lamps.) it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning.
And you notice verse 16 says, and the appearance of the wheels… starting from verse 15, it says
15 Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.
So in other words, these beasts are on a wheel. They are moving. Why are they moving? Because they're coming to the antitype. You'll notice, when they get to Revelations 4, there's no more description about the wheel, in the middle of the wheel. They are at rest. Amen. We see it in Ezekiel, wheel in the middle of the wheel, this angel's traveling on a wheel. But in Revelations 4, nothing's said about a wheel. They've come to a position of rest. Amen. Praise the Lord. So you, we have that Amen. And then now I just want to turn to Isaiah the 6th chapter.
Sorry, I'm just reading quite a bit of Scriptures because I want to make sure we get this right. Isaiah chapter 6 from verse 1.
The reason why I want to read Isaiah is I want to remind us again what a presence this is. You see, many a times we get caught up in work life, and family life, and sometimes church life, and social life. And that's exactly the work of the enemy, because he begins to dumb out your senses to the presence of God in your midst. Amen. And what I want to do is just remind us that we are in the presence, every single day.
Once you've been transported and lifted into heavenly places in Christ Jesus, and you're no more in Laodicea, whether you're doing washing or at school or at work, the presence of God follows you. Why? Because you become the mercy seat. You become the very temple of God. Know ye not that ye are temples of the Holy Ghost? Amen. May God awake us to the reality and the realization of the presence that surrounds us. Amen.
And you know, Brother Branham said, there's a very big difference between the blessings of God and His presence. When you speak of the presence of God, every prophet said, I would lay down as dead. Amen. It's not a Pentecostal hype of running around and screaming. That's the blessings. But when you get to the presence of God, brother, you want to just drop dead and find the smallest hole to bury yourself in, because His presence is so supreme. Amen.
The prophet said, I just fell as dead. John did. And so did Isaiah. Big difference when His presence is with us and that very presence is with the believer today. What am I saying? How sensitized should we be to the way we live our lives?
If we were transported right now to the very throne of God who would be holding the sapphire, the amber lights, and the beryl stone, and His mighty presence, that sounded like many waters, and thunderings, and lightnings, that even when a beast would touch the mountain, they would die. Sounds fearful, but there's no difference between that and what we find ourselves in. Once you've been positionally placed in Christ, it's the same presence, should be, should be. It should be.
So Isaiah chapter 6 says,
1 In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon the throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple.
2 Above it stood the Seraphims…
And you know what the Seraphims do, unlike the Cherubims, who guard the Tree of Life. The Seraphims worship God. But they worship God in such a fear and such a humility that the one pair of wings that they have is dedicated to covering their feet. You see what I'm saying, Saints? The humility we should have to recognize the presence we are in. These Seraphims would cover their feet. Six pair of wings and out of the six, one pair just to cover their feet.
2 … each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.
3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
4 And the posts of the door moved (Praise the Lord) at the voice of him that cried…
Well, the voice of Him that cried… In the days of the voice of the Seventh Angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God would be finished. Same Voice of God, identifying the same presence where these Seraphims would take one pair of wings and cover their feet.
You know, that's why when we come to a family life as believers, we need to consecrate the very surroundings, The home we abide in naturally has to be consecrated to God. We have to keep the atmosphere clean and pure, because we realize the presence of God, that we are supposed to be abiding in. The presence, where Seraphims would take a pair of wings and cover their feet, won't live together with a television. Cannot. Praise the Lord.
The Bible said,
4 And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with the smoke.
5 Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone…
This is the state we must be in. And we'll see why that is because it is… We'll get there, Amen, as we close. But, he says, because
5 …I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of people of unclean lips:` for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts.
Whom did we see in this day? Well, if that did that to Isaiah, then shouldn't it do the same to us? The Sovereign, not blessings. That was first and second pull. I'm talking of His presence, Amen, which has been restored back to the believer.
The Bible said,
6 Then flew one of the Seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which had taken with tongues from off the altar: (I like that, from off the altar. Amen.)
7 And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, (Praise the Lord.) and thy sin purged.
8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Is that your heart's desire? Praise the Lord. But God can only send us. God can only get us to the point where we can do and fulfill His will, when we recognize His presence. Recognize His presence and say, I am an unclean person. I dwell among people with unclean mouths. God sanctify me, because I recognize your presence. I dedicate…, you know, we speak of that Nazarite vow.
Brother Branham said, that's why the Bride, woman in the church today, the Bride of Christ, don't cut their hair. The mystery behind that is that in the Old Testament, not cutting your hair was a sign of a Nazarite vow. That didn't mean you lived in Nazareth. Nazarite vow was something an individual in Israel pledged himself to, and took on a Nazarite vow. We know the judges were like that, Samuel, et cetera, you know. They said, we purpose those Hebrew boys. We will dedicate and consecrate our lives to God. Brother Branham said the Bride of Jesus Christ comes under a Nazarite vow. That's why our sisters don't cut their hair, because the sister, woman, types the church. The Bride of God comes under a Nazarite vow, which is not partial but total separation and consecration unto God. Total. Why? Because she becomes the dwelling place of the presence of God, not His blessings, His presence.
Praise the Lord. How blessed we are, saints. How blessed we are. Amen and Amen. Revelations 4, if you could.
That's what separates the Bride from those that would be abiding outside of the city, by the thousands, the Scripture says, as far as the eye can see, including the heathens. They're there. But the Bride is His presence, veiled. Amen.
Revelations chapter 4.
You see, I'm just reminded, that Angel told Brother Branham, to step into This, you must be sincere, very sincere. If that was a prophet, the Angel told a prophet that, where do we stand? Where do we stand today? Lord help us all.
Revelations chapter 4, verse 1 says
1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: (now we are being transported up to the very throne room of God. Amen.) and the first voice which I heard was as it were a trumpet talking with me; (Said what? Stay down in Laodicea? No. Come up hither.) Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.
2 And immediately I was (where?) in the Spirit…
The Spirit is the throne room of God. And only Esther can come into the court, the king's court. Only she can, because outside of Esther it is death for anyone else that comes in. Why? Because the Bride of God has the scepter pointed towards her. The scepter, the right hand of power, is pointed your way. Anyone else is death, as it was when Adam was barred from the Tree of Life, it was death.
But the Bride has access. Why? Because she's clothed with the right garment. The right garment, which is holiness and righteousness, not by our own merits, but by the Word of God that clothes us by the instructions of the friend of the King's chamber. He clothed us just as he did Esther. He would go into the king's court and whisper secrets to Esther and say, The king likes you to... The king likes this. Put that kind of a garment on, put that fragrance on. And here brother Branham, being a type of that, ushered us into the very chamber of God. And we know what the King likes! We've been dressed to His specifications. That's why it's not death for us to come into the King's court, clothed with the right garment. Aaron had to make sure everything was right. One thing off of what God told him to do in terms of preparing himself, was death for Aaron.
Speaking of us, there's only one garment God would allow us to come into the church with. That's the Word of God. Why? Because we're kings and priests. The Aaronic priesthood, as we said on Sunday, is gone. This is the order of the priesthood in the form of Melchezidec, and that is the Word made flesh. Hallelujah. God taking on flesh makes you kings and priests. Hallelujah. But you have to be dressed just right, Amen.
The Bible said,
3 And he that set was to look upon like jasper and a Sardine: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
Remember I said in Ezekiel chapter 1… I said, keep that mental note. He said, I saw those lamps before the Lord appearing as lightning is going up and down. Well, John begins to see more. He sees them as those seven candlesticks, those lamps of fire, which are the very Spirits of God. Amen. And you know what Brother Branham said that is? He said that's Christ and His Bride. Christ and His Bride. Christ, the Word, veiled as the form of Bride. Amen. With a garment down to his feet and gird about the paps. Amen. Praise the Lord.
6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
And I like verse 5. Verse 5 says, thunderings and voices proceeded from the throne. That's people. People. The Scripture says in Revelations 10: 2, His Voice is the sound of many waters. Brother Branham says that's voices, that's people. That's the Bride of Jesus Christ that has found their Voice and their position. God veiled and dressed in the form of His church. Praise the Lord.
7 And the first beast was like a lion, (There we go back.) and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. (Praise the Lord.)
8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings...
Now Brother Branham said, you know, it's amazing how... and I just want to make this note because I think it's quite important. In Ezekiel, those Cherubims only had four wings. One pair to cover the body, and the other one to fly.
When you step into the presence described in Revelations 4, those same Cherubims look like Seraphims, Brother Branham said. Now they have six wings. Why? One pair to cover their feet, body, the eyes, and one pair to fly. Why? Because it speaks of that awesome presence that they are back in. Amen. When Isaiah saw them, he said, they were crying, holy, holy; one pair to cover the feet, one to cover their eyes. They could not even behold. The Bible said, behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Before that, man was not even able to look upon the Book. Those Angels covered their eyes, so holy was the very Word, the Ark, the Testimony of God, that Adam lost. They covered their eyes, and with humility the two their feet, and with their last pair they did fly. These Cherubims take on six wings, because the presence that they find themselves in, they need those extra two to cover the feet.
Brother, remember I'm speaking of... the Bible is speaking of Christ and the Bride. The very presence of God restored back in this day. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Verse 8 says,
8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings (there we go) about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy... (There is Isaiah chapter 6.) holy, holy Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
Hallelujah. Verse 11,
11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Hallelujah. Brother, what am I saying? I'm getting us to recognize the presence of God. Amen. This Word we received is sacred. No one could look upon it. But in our day the Lion stepped forward and broke the Word, and revealed what took the believer from an earthly state to a heavenly state, where he's seated in heavenly places around the throne of God. Why? Because you are the throne. You're the mercy seat.
Those angels, when Ezekiel beheld them, they were seen on wheels, and they were transported and going, but in Revelations 4, we just read, there is no description of the wheel, in the middle of the wheel. Why? Because they found their rest in the true believer. Hallelujah. Ezekiel saw it and Ezekiel could not go. He could not attain. He could not get there, because the way to the Tree of Life was still barred. So when Ezekiel saw the Angel, which those four beasts, which is the throne of God, he saw it as a wheel. A presence just moving. But in Revelations 4 there is no more wheels, because now they are abiding in the heart of the believer. The very throne room of God restored back, the believer. Your heart now becomes the very dwelling place of the Holy Ghost to God, not the blessings, His presence. His Presence, Saints.
You know, that's why when you see a life, and all it can produce is just carnality, brother, that cannot be the condition of Bride. It cannot be the condition of Bride. The Bride is transported, she's translated to something different, because she's not cared about the blessings of God, but she houses His presence, the Word of God is veiled in her. He's living in her. God, the Word, and her have become one. Restored back unity between the Tree of Life and Adam.
What kind of a life should we be living? How consecrated, how you see, many a times, and we say it all, I don't think the third pull has left us. It's here, but we live in Laodicea most of the time. So we cannot write a sum on that checkbook and cash it in, because we're not living in the supernatural. But when we became, by God's grace, He can sensitize us to just where we're living and Who's living on the inside, and around you, brother, you can cash that check in for anything. Because you're living in the realm where all things are possible. Praise the Lord.
Remember, Saints, we are under a Nazarite vow, consecrated to God. Brother Branham preaches that message: God requires a total separation. Not partial but total separation. Why? Because we are Nazarites. Forsaken all and cling to the one Lover. The One who our soul desires, the One that we desire just like Esther, to make our way to the King's chamber.
That's why brother Branham said, we are so far above the fear of going to hell. Esther didn't care. Live or die. She could have had death right there, just like that. But that wasn't what she was cared for. She knew she needed to get into the presence of her king. Brother, we don't care about hell. What we care about is: Lord, I want to be with You. Where You abide, Your very presence, God, I want to be there. In fact, Lord, I want to be the dwelling place of Your presence. That's my heart's desire. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord.
I'm finding a place. I'm winding down in that.
Moses, death and life. Moses. And we read that Scripture. Moses rebuked God. He said, God, turn away from your evil ways. And the Bible said God repented when He wanted to blot the people out. If Moses was a man, he would have died. But because Moses represented Jesus Christ, God took heed and the Scripture said He repented.
Sarah laughed at God, when God brought the news of the promised son to her. She laughed! Brother Branham said, God would have struck her dead right there. But why God couldn't, because Sarah was a part of Abraham.
So what am I saying? The only reason why Esther would survive in the presence of the king is because it's 50/50. They are joint heirs. There is only one person that can come into the presence of God and live, that is Christ Himself. To come into His presence, you need to be a part of Christ. Amen. Because He is the only one we clothe ourselves in. In the very righteousness of Christ Jesus, we are found dressed. Praise His wonderful Name.
I just want to read one quote in closing. Exposition of the seven church ages. Brother Branham says,
How wonderful that our Lord has all the answers. Truly in Him are all the promises of God fulfilled. Truly, by being in Him we are heirs to what He purchased for us.
Yes, there He stands, the Lord of Glory.
Once, as the Father, He was surrounded by the Angels, the Archangels, the Cherubims, and Seraphims, and the whole host of heaven, crying, “Holy, Holy, O Lord God of hosts.” Such was His holiness that no man could approach unto Him…
(Speaking of that Tree of Life, that presence that we have now been lifted up into and are a part of. Amen. Brother Branham said,)
…But now we see Him in the Church, sharing His own holiness with us, until in Him we have become the very righteousness of God. Yes, and there He stands, Jesus, perfect everything. Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star, the Fairest of Ten Thousands. Alpha and Omega, Root and Offspring of David, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost - the All and in All, Isaiah 9, 6. “For unto us a Child is born, unto us and a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulders: and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace,” in Him is perfect fulfillment. Though once we esteemed Him not, now we love Him with joy unspeakable and full of glory. In the midst of the Church, He stands, and we will sing His praise, for He, the Mighty Conqueror is head over the church, which is the Bride. He bought that Bride. He owns her. She is His and His alone, and He cares for her. He is our king and we are His... (Listen to this. Listen to this:) … He is our King and we are His kingdom… (You are Jerusalem. You are Zion. And I saw a city descend from God like a Bride adorned for her husband. And she bears His - that city bears His name. Amen.) …His eternal possession.
Praise His wonderful Name. Hallelujah. What a people we are. Praise His wonderful Name, as our sister comes forward. Hallelujah. I just want to lay the foundation for next time.
The Seventh Seal, 1963, listen to what Brother Branham says, in closing. He says,
235 That's, what, the seventh seal (is)…. It's the end of time… (because remember we're working our way to the seventh seal. He says,) …It just ends the time for the world. It's the end of time... It ends time. Everything just ended up on that seventh seal.
236 Now, how is He going to do it? That's what we don't know, isn't it? We don't know.
(But we do know.)
237 It's even the time for all things, and the ushering in of the millenium.
238 Notice, the breaking of this Seal was so great, that Heaven was hushed by It, “in silence for the space of a half hour.” Now is it great! What is it? It was hushed, Heavens. There wasn't a thing moved, for half a hour.
239 Now, a half hour might not be long if you're having a good time. But, in the suspense of between death and life, it seemed like a millennium.
Jesus never mentioned it. None of the rest of them.
240 John couldn't even write it. He was forbidden to write here... He didn't write it, but this is silence.
241 And the four and twenty elders that stood before God, there, harping with their harps: they quit playing their harps.
The angels hushed their singing…
We just read Revelations 4. They were making a noise and “Holy, holy are you Lord,” but when the seventh seal is broken they are quiet. Hushed, silence, holy silence (Brother Branham said.)
242 Think! The holy Cherubims and Seraphims that Isaiah saw in the temple. Six sets - or three sets of wings. Two to cover his face, and two over his feet, and flying. And He’s day and night there before God, singing “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty!” And even when they walked in, or come into the temple, the posts of the temple moved , with their presence.
243 And these holy Seraphims hushed up. Angels quit singing. Flying in the presence of God, singing “Holy, holy, holy”. They shut up. No angels singing. No praises. No altar service. No nothing. There was silence, hushed, deadly silence in heaven...
Praise the Lord. What am I saying? I'm saying the Word we received, when that Seventh Seal was broken, it was so great that even Heaven had to be quiet. Heaven had to be quiet. Why? Because Brother Branham said, they were amazed at what was unfolding. They stood there in awe. Praise the Name. Hallelujah.
And what's that Seventh Seal? Let's get to it. Brother Branham said, it's His coming. It's the coming of Jesus Christ. And it's not an event. It's a process. For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with a voice, and with the trump of God. Brother, we're living in the coming of God. It's on! Amen! The coming of the Lord is on. We are in that process. Hallelujah. One of these days we'll break into eternity. Amen. Praise the Lord. You love Him? Amen. Hallelujah. Let's stand to our feet. Amen.
Can we sing that song, On Christ the Solid Rock I stand? I just love singing that. Do we know it? Amen, let's try that.
My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus love and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
but wholly lean on Jesus name. (Amen.)
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand (Oh, how blessed we are. Amen.)
When darkness seeks to hide his face
I rest on His unchanging Grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand (Let's sing the last verse again.)
His oath, His covenant His Blood
Support me in the whelming flood
When all around my soul gives way
He then is all my hope and stay (Let's raise our hands and sing…)
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand
Can we say Amen? Praise the Lord. Let’s give the Lord a hand clap.
Hallelujah. Do you want to be remembered in this closing prayer? You could just signal it by an uplifted hand as our precious Brother Jeremy comes forward to close the meeting in prayer.
Do you love Him? Amen. Thankful for Christ, that solid Rock we can stand on. All else is sinking sand. But on His divine promise and His Word we stand, where heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word can never fail. Praise His wonderful.
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Wed. 7:30 PM
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