10238 168 St, Surrey, BC V4N 1Z4
(Pacific Academy)
Service Times
Sun 10 AM
Tue & Thu 7:45 PM
Bro. Joshua Marshall • November 16, 2023. .
Gracious Lord, I just stand amazed, Father, by the song service this evening Lord. God it’s so in tune with
the Word, Lord Jesus. Lord, we know that You are here tonight. We feel Your presence. God, there's
something about a Believer, Father. A Believer is able to recognize, Lord, when You are here. Father, we
recognize Your Voice. We recognize Your Word. We recognize the Message. We recognize, Lord, that it
was not a man, Father, but a great Prophet, Lord, but we know that it was Your Voice in these last days.
Lord, You said in the Scripture, My sheep know My Voice and a strange voice they will not follow,
because Father, we were with You. Thank You, Lord, for the Truth, the awakening of the Holy Spirit that
is in our midst. Lord, just wake us up from that spiritual amnesia as it were, to help us recognize, Lord,
that You are veiled in us this evening. We thank You, Father.
May You just abide with us this evening. Lord, we understand, Father, when we come to the Word, Lord,
it's the sacred Script. Lord, it won't be any man, Lord, that would open It up, Lord. Father, I’m but
waiting on Your leading and Your guidance, Lord. We understand, Lord, that we've come, dear Lord, and
we've done all that we can do, Father. We wait for Your Holy Spirit to guide us into the Scripture, Lord,
and to bless us this evening, Father.
The Prophet said, Lord, we've come to hear the Word so that we can know Who we are and where
we're placed in the Scripture, Lord. Father, that we might know exactly what - give us what we need to
fight the enemy this hour, Lord Jesus. May You undertake and meet every need, Father, the needs are
many. Lord, we understand You never came to a people that didn't need You, but You came to a broken
people that needed You, Father, those that knew that without You, we are nothing, Lord. Meet with us
this evening, God. And when we come to the end of the meeting, we'll be like those two on the road to
Emmaus and say, Lord, when You broke the bread and they recognized You in the midst, they said did
not our hearts burn within us Lord Jesus. Be with us Lord.
Bless Your children that came out here tonight. They haven't come, Lord, to hear from dirty flesh, Lord,
because that's what I am, Father, but they've come to hear from You, Lord Jesus. Touch and abide with
us, Lord. We'll give You all the praise, all the glory, all the honor. I'll ask for it in Jesus’ precious Name.
I greet every Brother and Sister in the lovely Name of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Good to have
Brother Lyle and Sister Hannie back. Amen. I also have Brother Paul, Sister Norah-Jean, Amen, dear
friends of mine. They know all the inner secrets of our family, so have them over, they'll tell you all the
secrets. Amen. Amen. From New Brunswick, Amen. Brother Paul was with us when we started out there,
so God bless you, Brother. Amen. Good to have you amongst us.
How many are grateful to be in the house of the Lord this evening? Praise His wonderful Name. Amen.
I'm just so happy to come into your presence, into the house of the Lord this evening just to be with you.
Amen. There's something on the inside of us that longs to be together. Amen. Truly we are family in
Christ. Amen. God bless you. Amen. Just two portions of Scripture, just one portion. Amen. Familiar
Scripture, the Book of Job.
I was just amazed with the song service, Amen, because I want to speak on a dear subject this evening, if
the Lord would, amen, Bother Mike picked up on your mind there. Job chapter 19, verse 23.
The Bible says,
23 Oh that my Words were now written! Oh that they were printed in a Book!
24 That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever!
25 For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
Now I want you to notice the Wording of verse 25.
25 For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
27 Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold; and not another. though my reins be
consumed within me.
Amen. May the Lord add a blessing to the reading of His Word. You may be seated. Amen.
Brother Branham says Job was speaking of the Redeemer, Christ, and you know, Brother Branham said
in Matthew 27, as it were, he said the resurrection of the old saints. Amen. There was a resurrection.
They've had their rapture. Amen. But we're waiting for the rapture of the new church.
So Job was saying, that: I would see Him in my flesh. And Brother Branham dramatized it. He says there
was Abraham and Sarah. And as Christ descended into paradise, and He began to unlock and open up
those doors and be the provided Lamb for them to take them out of paradise and bring them… To let
them loose. Amen. Brother Branham says they were caught up under the blood of bulls and goats for
years until the Lamb set them free.
And Brother Branham dramatized and he says: Abraham said, Sarah, isn't that the One that visited us at
the tent? He said those three Hebrew boys would say, I am sure He was the fourth Man in the fiery
furnace. Amen. What was that? Brother Branham said, it was God, the Lamb of God becoming real to
them and gave them the resurrection. You know Job was included there? Amen.
But I believe there was a prophecy here, another prophecy. And that's what we want to focus on
tonight. Amen, because Job said, in the latter day! That's our day. Amen. He will stand on the earth
again. My redeemer. And we will know that He lives forevermore Amen. Praise the Lord.
I want to speak on The Breach this evening. And, you know, it's a mighty… It's a really, I would say, a
crucial thing that we need to understand by revelation, because it transports us from time to Eternity. It
takes us from our earth bound Seven Church Ages into the heavenlies. Amen. And Brother Branham
says it's that Breach. He preached the message: The Breach Between The Seven Church Ages and the
Seven Seals. And we understand the Seven Seals is Jesus Christ. Amen. But between time, which is those
Church Ages and the Seals, which is Christ, there's that gap, the Breach. Beautiful, Amen. And if the Lord
would allow us this evening, just to focus on that, Amen.
Brother Branham says in The Choosing of the Bride, 1965, he says this. He says,
235 So I pray Thee, Lord…,
Just to lay the foundation, Amen. He says,
235 So I pray Thee, Lord, in Jesus’ Name, let people shake themselves, tonight, and flee the wrath that
is to come,...
Strange the Prophet would say this in The Choosing of the Bride. It says,
235 … for Ichabod is wrote over the doors and over the nations. A black checkmark has come across it.
The Spirit of God is grieved away from it, and they're weighed in the balances and found wanting. The
feast of King Nebuchadnezzar has repeated again, with drunken parties and half dressed women calling
themselves Christians.
236 Oh God of heaven have mercy upon a sinful world and a sinful people, Lord as we are tonight. God,
I'm trying to stand in the breach and ask for Divine mercy, that You’ll speak into this crowd tonight and
call your Bride to attention...
Now I want you to notice, when the Bride is called, there's a breach. But I'm so thankful there's
someone who's standing in the gap. Oh brother, because Brother Branham said, he said the Seventh
Church Age put Him out. He was rejected, crucified again for the second time. Brother Branham said,
how? He said, the Word, the bleeding, bloody Word, crucified at the door of the heart. Amen. Crucified
again. He's on the outside trying to get back in. But Brother Branham comes to call a people out of time,
out of the church that rejected him, back into Eternities. But there has to be someone laying in the
breach to make that possible. Amen. Praise the Lord. So Brother Branham says,
236 … Grant it O God. Let it be known, this night, that Thou art God and thy Word is truth. While
solemnly, in the face of this people, we call them to attention to thy Word.
237 In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray for them, Lord. They have seen You, beyond any shadow of
doubt, …
Who have they seen? The Son of Man. There was no other form of Jesus, but a Prophet veiled... God
veiled in a Prophet, and he said they've seen Him without a shadow of a doubt. The church has seen
Him, but the Bride recognizes Who He was and Who He is. The same Christ of all the ages.
Brother Branham says,
237 …move across their crowds and tell them what's in their heart. And Thou knowest, Lord, that, right
now, what's going on. Thou knowest that to be the Truth, O God. And I pray Thee, in Jesus Name, let the
Holy Spirit intercede again, Lord, and pull from this audience, Lord, those who are written in the Lamb's
Book of Life. Grant it, O God, I pray with all my heart.
238 These people naturally, Lord, would give me the last penny they had, to support the Message.
They’d do anything they could. But, Oh God, when it comes to coping with It, and coming into It, I pray,
God, that this will be the night You’ll reward them and pour down Your Holy Spirit upon this convention.
And may there not be a frolic or jumping around, but a weeping and a crying, and a repenting, holding
onto the horns of the altar, while we see judgment rolling beneath us, tonight. Grant it, God. I pray
sincerely as I know how, in the Name of Jesus Christ.
I read that quote and it just reminded me, well actually we know God choosing a Bride was the message.
And there the Prophet says, laying in the breach, that God would upon this people call a Bride to
attention and lead them back to where? The Word. Amen.
Just laying the foundation again, same Spoken Word, Choosing A Bride, in 1965. Brother Branham says,
240 … Flee to Him! Don't let the devil ever cool you off from This. Stay right with it until you’re,
everyone, filled with the Holy Ghost, insomuch, that you will come to this Word, that will make you
women straighten up, that will you men straighten up and the men straighten up. If you say you’ve got
the Holy Ghost, and won't cope with the Word, it's another spirit in you. God's Spirit is in His Word, …
(Listen to what Brother Branham says. Choosing a Bride. He says,) … the Messiahanic, the anointed
Word. The Bride must be a Messiah-ette, the anointed Word.
Amen. Praise the Lord. Wonderful. Amen. So just layind the foundation there.
I just want to go over the meaning of the word breach. And I was just looking at the definition there.
And there's basically two definitions that we find in the dictionary for the word breach. It's an act of
breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.
Second one is a gap in a wall, a barrier or defense, especially one made by an attacking army.
One would say a breach in a mountain wall.
And we understand there has been a breach, and we know what the penalty was, it's death. Amen.
There's been a breach. You notice in Scripture, whenever God seems to take a corner, there's a breach.
Whenever God moves on the scene and He begins to do something different, begins to take a group or
an elect people higher, there is a breach. Why? Because at that point in time, the devil's on the scene
too. And not only is the devil on the scene, but because God is changing a corner, many are found in
ignorance. So there always has to be something, somewhere laying the breach, when God begins to
move on the scene. Amen.
The Scripture, Brother Branham, in the Scripture, speaks of just two examples. I want to speak on
Moses. And you know, when God lead the people out of Egypt to the mountain, the Holy Mountain, and
then God began to deal with them. And you heard from brother Adelaja, how he was speaking of when
they were around the mountain, God began to unfold the doctrine and the conduct of the church to
prepare them for the Holy Land, the new Land. And there He began to speak and the Word began to
unfold for their season and their day. Amen. And there the people of God began to step out of position.
And you know, we were speaking, having fellowship there with Brother Paul, you know, and Brother
Branham also says this was the one thing that puzzled him, that God could be called to repentance.
Amen. Because there God… He says to Moses, He says, move aside, I just want to blot them off the face
of the earth. And Moses says, God, turn away, repent from that evil thought. Moses, and he is rebuking
God as it were. Turn away, repent from the evilness, your evil thought upon the people that you
promised you would call out with a mighty hand. Amen.
Well, you look at our day as we begin to move towards that thought… God promised there would be a
Bride. But here He is in the Seventh church age, knocking, trying to get back in. But the promise remains.
There will be a people called out for His Name's sake. So what does He do? God has to provide a way to
cover the breach and make it possible for a people to step out of the Church Ages, time, back into
Eternity, where they, together, in the full plan, manifest the full plan of redemption in Christ Jesus.
Amen. Praise His wonderful Name.
So Brother Branham says in Look Away To Jesus. He says,
85 And there was another one thing that puzzled me, that was when Moses could tell God a better way
than God knowed how to do anything, when Moses said, “The people will say, your God was able to
bring you out, but not able to keep you,…”
Moses reminded God of His own Word. Amen. But it wasn’t Moses. The same way it wasn’t Brother
Branham. That's where we're getting to this evening. Amen.
85 … Moses threw hisself in the breach. Then later I found out that,… (obviously by revelation) …
Moses, that was Christ in Moses, standing for the people. See?
Hallelujah. What? What did the people see Moses? But it wasn't Moses, it was Christ veiled in Moses.
When Brother Branham stood there - and we'll come there - because Brother Branham preaches the
Breach Between the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals, and he begins to talk of Revelations 5. And
then we'll understand, well, it wasn't really Brother Branham. It was the Son of Man in a son of man.
Coming to do what? We'll get to that. Amen.
Brother Branham says again in 1964, The Paradox, he says,
113 But Jesus knew…
And this is speaking of John the Baptist. It says,
113 Jesus knew that. He paid John a great respect. He said, “who do you go out to see, a man dressed
in soft raiment? They don't handle the Sword. They kiss the babies and bury the dead, they're in kings
palaces.” He said, “What did you go out to see, a reed shaken in with the wind?” When one
organization offered him a little more than the other, or some community will move to that community
‘cause…? Not John.
114 He said, what did you go to see, a Prophet?” He said, “I say unto you, greater than a Prophet.” He
was. (Listen to the way brother Branham said,) He was the messenger of the covenant. (Listen to this)
He… (speaking of John the Baptist) … was the breach.
Amen. Powerful Words, that God would call a man born of a woman ‘the breach’. Why? Because
Brother Branham said, John the Baptist was standing there between law and grace. Law meant death.
Paul said It was total condemnation of the law. There was no hope. It was a passing and fading away
ministerial message and grace was to be birthed on the scene and who was there? John the Baptist,
standing in the breach. To do what? Introduce the Word. Christ. Hallelujah. Amen.
So I want you to keep that thought in your mind. Cause we'll see as we move towards Revelation
chapter 5... Now, you know, the entire Bible, the entire Bible, which we know is the Book of Life, the
Lamb's Book of Life, Brother Branham says there's two Books. He says, there's the Book of Life and the
Lamb's Book of Life, and we understand God is not so concerned about salvation. Amen. There'll be
many, thousands upon thousands that will have salvation. The Book of Psalms says God will even give to
the elect, the heathen for an inheritance. They will be there too. But we understand the Bible is not so
concerned about salvation, but it's concerned about redemption. Amen. That's what the Bible is.
The Bible opens up with Adam. Who was Adam? Son of God. Everything was under his feet, total
dominionship. Adam had more than salvation. His Name on the father's check book was the same. The
winds and the waters obeyed him. Amen. So we're not so concerned about salvation.
Here Brother Branham makes the statement and says, if you're afraid to go to hell you've missed it.
Amen. We're not afraid to go to hell. The Bride of Jesus Christ is so beyond fear of hell. Why? Because
we've fallen into a love relationship. All we want to do is be with Him as the Bride would to her husband.
That's what we are, and that love is redemption because something on the inside knows, well, it's not
just so much about being saved, but it's about being with Him eternally in the chamber, the inner, inner
chamber, where we can be together with a Bridegroom Whom we've loved all our lives. Hallelujah.
That's the Book. God's redemption. The Bible is about redemption. Amen.
What am I saying? I'm saying don't short sell yourself and just be thinking about salvation. Brother
Branham says, and you know the quote. Brother Branham said, if I never attend another church meeting
as it were, and go and live in a mountain in some cabin, he says, I've got salvation, freely given of God.
Just like that. So why do we worry about whether we have salvation or not? That's not the question. The
question is, are you a son that will step into total heirship? Amen.
Because you understand in the Eastern tradition, there were sons. A father could have more than one
son. But only the son who was totally obedient would be heir to all things. So what happened to the
other son? He'd be a son, but he might not be heir of all things. Amen. There'd be those that have
salvation, but there's only an elect few that would be totally obedient to the Word. And there God
would adopt them and they would be like Esther and the king, joint heirs, 50/50. Hallelujah. That's what
it's about. That's what it's about.
You know, I want to read this and I just thought it might just add a little color. 1964, Questions and
Answers, Brother Branham - and I want you to listen to the way the question is phrased. The question
says, “Will all born again believers…” Let me go slow.
210 …Will all borned again believers go in the rapture?”
Brother Branham says,
211 No, just the remnant, just the remnant, not all born again believers. The Bible said, “And the rest of
the dead lived not for a thousand years,” and they were raised and separated, the sheep from the goats.
Not all borned again will go in the… according to the Scripture.
What are we saying? Well, in Hear Ye Him, 1958, Brother Branham takes that deeper. He says, here's
where most people make the mistake. And then Brother Branham takes them to adoption. And he said,
they were sons. They all were sons, but the one came into heirship of all things. The other one didn't.
You see, that's why Brother Branham said the Bride would be a small number, because she steps into
total full obedience to the Word. Amen. Only she has the ability to stomach that Word. She has the
ability to take it all in. Because Brother Branham said, many can come just this far and then they pull
back. And they become a church believer, or some church member, or cool off, or take it, become
complacent and then just coax along. But the believer is driven by a hunger and a thirst. Amen. To do
what? Not for salvation only, but to be joint heirs 50/50 with the Lamb. Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelujah.
Praise the Lord. So we understand, well, it's not so much about salvation, but it's about God restoring us
to everything Adam lost. Amen. Praise the Lord.
Who Is This Melchisedec, Brother Branham says,
115 The natural birth is in three. What's the first thing happens to the woman having a baby? What
breaks first? Water. What breaks next? Blood. What's the next process? Life. Water, blood, spirit.
What happens to the plant? Rots. What's the first thing? Stalk. What's the next thing? Tussle. What's the
next? Shuck. Then the grain, see, comes out of that. Just the three stages of it, till it gets to the grain.
That's exactly.
Now, what I want to say before I continue with that quote is, I think many of us always need to remind
ourselves constantly that the shuck looks very much like the grain. Looks very much like the grain and
many a times we just don't know the extent to which Pentecostalism will come into the Message,
because you know Brother Branham, as the Seventh Age messenger, went to Pentecost. That's where
he went to. It was the Seventh Church Age messenger to the church of Pentecost. But he wasn't there to
stay there. He was there to call the people out of Pentecost. Amen. Out of Pentecost. Come out of a her
my people, was the call that went forth. But you see, in that coming out, sometimes we attach ourselves
to principles and ways of living, a Christian life that looks and smells very much like the shuck. Very
much like the shuck. But we constantly have to define our position in the Word to make us realize, well,
there's a difference. God, give us the grace to let us know we are Seeds, not shuck. Amen. Hallelujah.
Brother Branham said, the seeds of Pentecost have been sown. But he said, what have I come to do? I
have come to sow the Word. Hallelujah. Amen.
Listen here, Brother Branham says,
116 God vindicates that. That's always been right. God vindicates it to be true. Show plainly, the
predestinated is the only one that's considered in redemption…
Hallelujah. Can we say Amen? The predestinated is the only one that's considered in redemption. Well,
you see, if you're predestinated, it's not salvation then. The question is about redemption. And what
does Brother Branham say redeem means? Is to take, bring back what was there. Hallelujah. Amen.
Praise the Lord.
116 … People might be making like, think they are, but the real redemption is those that are
predestinated. Because the very word ‘redeem’ means “to bring back.” Is that right? Redeem is
something… To redeem anything, is, “bring it back to its original place.” Hallelujah. So it's only the
predestinated will be brought back, because the others didn't come from there. See, “bring back.”
Well, the others didn't come from there doesn't mean they won't have salvation, or eternal life. Brother,
sister, we are living in a deceptive age. If we are sitting here this morning, and all we can do is think
about life... If we are sitting here this evening, sorry, and there's no burning desire on the inside for
Christ, if there's no desperation, if there's no anxiety or tension, we need to have a look at ourselves and
find out exactly where we are at because the Bride would have this, as it were, you know, this burden,
this sighing and crying for abomination. Amen. Praise the Lord.
Now, listen to this. Brother Branham, in the Breach between the Seven Church Ages - I'm going to come
to my thought, Amen, but I just want to lay this foundation point or build around the thought. Brother
Branham is speaking of the Seven Seals and he says,
152 One is wrapped, a Seal. Another one is wrapped, a Seal. It's a Book of Redemption and the whole
thing, together, makes that Book, and it's sealed with Seven Seals...
Now I just want to just in case we need to be reminded of this. Brother Branham says,
152 …And, then, it's on the backside, is (you see) because it's wound up. The Seal mystery is on the
inside. And it only says, “The white horse rider,” or “the black horse rider,” and what more, on the
outside. But the mystery of the whole Book is in them Seals, (But listen to this:) from Genesis to
So, in other Words, what he's saying is the plan of God started in Genesis and is only completed in
Revelation. Amen.
What am I saying? I'm saying the plan of redemption could not be complete without you and I. Without
us, the very question of redemption is still hanging in the open, because when Adam and Eve fell and
they lost the Title Deed, which was Sonship, it was lost. It's only restored now. Amen. Do we see that
this evening? This is what we're saying: how important is Revelations chapter 5? It seals up everything
from Genesis, which was what Adam lost and it's only broken, revealed and finalized in Revelations 5.
Amen. Starts all the way from Genesis to Revelation.
152 … The complete plan of redemption is revealed in those Seven Seals. It's an important time.
(Brother Branham says.) God help us to get it.
Hallelujah. So what… now, we turn our thoughts as we've laid the foundation there and built a platform.
What was that breach? Brother Branham said, the breach which is that gap that needed to be covered,
was caused because Eve and Adam fell. In the Garden of Eden they forfeited what they had. And Brother
Branham said, God had to take it back. When Adam fell, God took the Title Deed back, because Brother
Branham said, if He never took It back, the devil would get his filthy hands on it. Amen.
We read it in Revelations. The Bible said those four angels were charged to loose the demons that were
at the river Euphrates. And Brother Branham said, if you look at the river Euphrates, across the river
Euphrates is Eden. And Brother Branham says it shows they were on the way back to Eden. To do what?
To destroy the Tree of Life. Amen. So what did God have to do? When Adam fell, God had to take the
Book back and It was sitting in the hand of the Father. Sitting in the hand of the Father! For how long?
Well, all the way to Genesis. And it's only broken in Revelations 5. By whom? The Seventh Age
Messenger, Christ in him breaking the Seals.
Brother Branham said, the Seventh Age Messenger has been called up greater than any of the other
prophets. He said it. Why? Because he said he has the Capstone revelation. Without him revealing the
broken Seals, the entire redemption plan from Adam is gone out the window. Brother, why am I
emphasizing it like this? Because I want you to know how important your purpose is today. Without you,
the entire Bible from Genesis cannot be completed. All the way from Genesis to Revelation, it's just
hanging there. Till Paul comes and says, they without us cannot be made perfect. Why? Because the
breaking of the Seals happens in the Seventh Watch, to the Seventh Church Age, the Bride is there, the
Seals are broken and she is blessed. Brother Branham said every sage would have wanted to live in this
time. Can you imagine the culmination of the entire Bible is wrapped up in this day and age? Hallelujah.
So the fall happens, and right there, the way back to the Tree of Life is cut off, and those Cherubim with
flaming swords, ready to stop anyone that wants to go back to the Tree of Life. Barred. Amen. And right
there, Brother Branham says, that chasm was created between death and life. Amen. Why? It wasn't
our fault. By one man the entire creation was lost. But praise God, by one Man, Jesus Christ, the entire
creation is restored back. Amen. Praise His wonderful Name. Paul says by a sacrifice once and for all,
once and for all, it's finished. The question is settled. Amen.
Brother Branham said in the same book, The Breach Between the Seven Church Ages, he says,
55 This Book is not revealed...
What Book? The title deed. The Book of Redemption, the one that God took back from Adam when he
fell. He says,
55 … is not revealed until the Church Ages and denominational ages has run out…
Now I want you to notice that, listen, I want to go slowly. Brother Branham says,
55 This Book is not revealed until the Church Ages and denominational ages has run out...
So in other Words, Brother Branham is drawing the picture with Seven Church Ages and time coming to
an end. Time is finished 'cause Church Ages is time bound. Well, the Seals, the Breach between the
Seven Church Ages and the Seals, we know is Christ, and we know Christ came from eternity. So here we
have the situation where time and eternity has been separated. But this is not about time, it's about a
people, a people that need to get back to being eternal creatures like Adam was, total dominion and
Sonship. But there's a breach, a chasm that was created by Eve. Hallelujah. A breach and a chasm.
So Brother Branham says,
55 …and there is time no more. See it? It's only revealed after Church Ages and denominational ages
has run out.
Wow, Saints. The plan of God can only be made real in this day and season. Amen. The Bible is only
complete now. Hallelujah. Praise His wonderful Name. Amen.
So, you know how Brother Branham draws - you can look at it another way. Brother Branham draws the
pyramid, the Church Ages, Seven Church Ages, and then he draws that slot, which is the Holy Spirit, and
then the Capstone, Jesus Christ. Well, if you turn the pyramid this way, you'll see it more clearly,
because then you have time, and the Seven Church Ages going through time, and then there's Christ. So
between the Seven Church Ages, a time bound church, people, and their Lover, the Tree of Life, Christ,
the One that she's been longing to get back to, there's the great chasm. There's the great chasm.
Now, you know, the cross provided the platform to breach that gap. But it's much more than that. You
say brother, what do you mean? Let's go to Revelations 5, verse 1. I Won't be much longer. In verse 1
the Bible says
1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a Book written within and on the backside,
sealed with Seven Seals.
Amen, as we lay the platform, because we said we want to go to - you know - start working our way to
the Seventh Seal there.
But we understand, there the backside written within and without, the backside, sealed with Seven
Seals. What that means is, we said in the old days there was those scrolls. One scroll would be… they
didn't have books, it was scrolls. You'd have a scroll, roll it up, put a Seal around it, and then you'd have
another scroll wrapped around that one and put a Seal on that. So at the end of it you have seven
But to get to the next one you have to open this one and so on. It goes until you've opened up the entire
book, or the scroll. And what that means is that each Seal, written on, sealed on the outside. When the
white horse rider goes and it says there, white horse rider, bow and no arrow. It's plain. It's written in
the Bible. That Seal is broken. But that's not it. Because there's a message within. So, there's a Seal
within, written within and without, the Bible says. So to be able to understand what the meaning of that
symbol is, it takes God, Divine revelation. Amen.
And we'll see that in Revelations chapter 10. Amen, because we understand that's why Brother Branham
is called much higher than most of the Prophets, because he was the one not only to fulfill Malachi 4,
but he stepped into Luke 17:30. Which was the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, coming down in his very flesh
to prove to the world that He's alive again. Hallelujah.
You won't see Jesus on the cross besides Luke 17:30, Brother Branham, and the Bride. She is the only
form of Jesus Christ in this day and season. No other. If you're looking for Jesus on the cross, you'll miss
it. Amen. You see, that's why we, although the cross is great and wonderful and it becomes our anthem
marching forward, but we cannot stay there, because the question is not about salvation. It's about
The cross, the Blood was there. God gave you salvation freely. You don't even have to fight for it. But
redemption is different. Redemption is different. Those considered in redemption need to bear His exact
same character. In other Words, she must be Him and Him her. Hallelujah. Praise His wonderful Name.
So the Bible says,
1 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the Book, and to loose
the Seals thereof?
That's the question. There's that breach. Who is worthy? Why is the cry gone forth? Because if someone
doesn't step forward, everything Adam had - there was no way to get back to that. There is the Breach.
Someone needs to step into the gap. Amen. You know, Brother Branham said this is the most sublime
thing in Scripture. Brother Branham said the most sublime thing in all the Holy Script.
Now what I wanted to come to is (because we close with this) it's much greater than the cross. And we'll
see it's the cross plus. Because the breach needs a redeemer. And the Bible says the goel, three things:
Must be willing, must be able, and must be king to be able to fulfill the work of a redeemer according to
the law.
So here's the call, who is worthy? And you know, and the Bible says, in verse 4 it says,
4 And I, John, wept much because no man was found worthy...
This is not about whether he's got salvation or not. You don't think John had salvation? He was a
disciple, the beloved of the Lord. Of course he had salvation, but that's not the question. The question is
redemption. John wants to know, will I be able to claim back everything Adam lost in the fall? That's why
he's weeping. Says,
4 I wept much, because no man was found worthy…
not only found worthy of It, but to read and to look upon It, so holy was that Book, so sacred was the
very thing Adam lost.
And the Bible said,
5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not:
Now notice he didn't say the Lamb, the Lion. It doesn't. It takes more than a Lamb to come forward and
to break the Seals. Why? Because this is not about salvation. This is about the King, the Lion, coming to
claim that which redemption is for. Do we see that this evening? It's not about salvation. It's about the
Lion coming to claim and let those know by Name who redemption is for.
And he said,
5 …Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the Book, and to
loose the seven seals...
And he said,
6 And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood
a Lamb…
Praise the Lord. So we know He's the Lamb, but He's Lion now. He's the Lamb, and why is He the Lamb?
Because He prevailed, He overcame by the Blood of God that was shed on the cross. He is the bleeding,
dying Lamb, and He will always be that. But you see, this is the thing:
The world and church nominal wants to always have him as the Lamb. Because they can always have a
Jesus who is kind and loving. And they can live any way that they want to, or not live a sacrificial life, but
they always feel they can run back to Jesus as a Lamb and always get salvation and forgiveness. And
they want Him there. They want to keep Him there.
But He's more than that. He's King! Because no Name was given higher than the Name of Jesus Christ.
He ascended higher than the Father on the throne, because He prevailed. He wrestled and overcame,
Brother Branham said. Hallelujah. No Name given higher than the Name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. He's
come to claim His rightful position, the Lamb, plus the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And at the Name
of Jesus Christ, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord, King of Kings. Hallelujah.
So he turns and he sees the Lamb as it had been slain. Seven Spirits and so forth. And He came to take
the Book. Hallelujah. Who came? Christ, the Lamb, and the Lion, King and Lamb, Sacrifice, and King of
Kings, coming forward to take the Book.
Well, then the breach, Brother Branham says, why was the breach, why did the question of the breach
pop up again in this day? It's because like Adam, the church put Him back out. And they fell again to the
gain sayings of creeds and dogma.
And here again, God has to come, and fill that role and cover the breach and let the church know that
He has come and He's here to take her out of the ages and back into the eternities. Hallelujah. Cause
they put Him out. He was on the outside trying to get back in.
Brother, what am I saying? Don't ever let a churchy spirit get on you. Don't ever become a church
member. Because just like that, you'll be found in the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Hallelujah. Amen.
The Bride is so different. She lives on Him. She feasts on Him. He's her everything and she's everything
to Him. Amen. She's… I have no Words. I need to speak in tongues, as Brother Branham would say.
Hallelujah. Amen.
So Job, in closing, Job says, I know my Redeemer lives. At that day… You know, Brother Branham said
Job was a Prophet. He was seeing something. We know Job saw Christ, because he was one of those
that came up in the first resurrection, the dead of the Old Testament. He must have seen something
greater because he said, at that day, when He will stand on the earth. What he's saying, brother, it must
be speaking of Jesus corporal only. Brother Branham says, His corporal comes in Revelations 22, to come
with His Bride to settle on the earth after it's purged.
In closing, turn with me to Revelations 10. Not going to go through it, but just a few lines there. Verse 1.
The Bible says,
1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven...
Who's that? Jesus Christ, the Word. This is in our day, this is happening. This is prophecy become
history. So where is He? He's come down.
1 I saw another mighty Angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was upon
His head...
Why did He come down? To stand in the breach between the Church Ages and the eternities, to provide
the way back for a Church that was trapped in creeds and dogmas. Hallelujah. So He comes down and
pulls the cloud…
1 …and a rainbow was upon his head, and His face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
And He had in his hand a little book open…
It's open. It was closed. Now it's open. Why? We’ll come to the final quote and then we’ll close. Amen.
But it's open and he says,
2 …and He set His right foot upon the sea and His left foot upon the earth.
Job said, when He stands on the earth…, He will stand on the earth. My Redeemer and I will. Though the
skin worms destroy this flesh, I will see my Redeemer.
That great breach, Brother, where did it happen? In this day and age, for a Bride, a gentile Bride. Job had
his season, but now it's our day, where God Himself comes down with the open Book, to show those by
Name, that He's died for them. Not only died for them, he's come to claim them back to everything
Adam lost. He's come down to put His one foot upon the sea and the one upon the earth and stand in
the breach as it were. Christ Himself, the Lamb and King of God, the Breach, He's come to fulfill and
come with that Breach, that we might go back to the Tree of Life and be possessors of everything Adam
Hallelujah. Praise His wonderful Name. Aren't you happy this evening? Praise the Lord as our precious
sister comes forward. Amen.
Brother Branham says (one more quote), he says in the Breach between the Seven Church Ages and
Seven Seals, he says,
40 Now you see, I'm just not making that up. That's what… It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. I'll read it to you
out of the Book. “The sounding of the Seventh angel's Message, the mystery of God should be finished,
that's been declared by His holy prophets,” and that's the prophets who has wrote the Word. At the
sounding of the seventh Church Age, the last Church Age, all the loose ends, that those through these
Church Ages has been probed at, will be wound up together.
Amen. You know. I was speaking to another brother, just one note, and he said, “You know, well, I don't
have to know what Revelations 10 means and all of that, I just believe it.” Well, and the question is, he
said, “I don't have to understand…” But then the question is, why wouldn't you want to understand,
when the Prophet said it?
Everything that the Prophet… Everything we need to know, the Prophet spoke about it. So the question
is, you have the Table on your phone. You have the Table on your laptops. You know God will judge us?
God made it possible that technology would be at your fingertips, that you will always have access to
the storehouse. Brother, the days of saying “I don't need to know” is over. We don’t have an excuse. It's
there in the Message. If you don't know, then it means you're not reading. And God made it possible
that we have these things on our fingertips. God will judge us for it. No excuse. The Bible said, for where
much is given, much is required.
God, knowing that we’d be in an age like this, pressured by time and work and life, and filth of the earth.
He put a phone in your hand, that you would have access to the Table, and you'd be able to access the
Voice of God like that. No excuse. No excuse. Amen. If we're waiting for the pastor or the minister to
teach us the Word, there's something wrong. You have a Catholic spirit, because that's what they do. I
don't need to know. I don't need to know about salvation. I'll just wait for the priest to tell me. God
don't have grandchildren. He's got sons and daughters of God. Amen.
In The Breach between the Seven Church Ages, Brother Branham said,
40 …that's the prophets who has wrote the Word. At the sounding of the seventh Church Age, the last
Church Age, all the loose ends, that through these Church Ages has been probed at, will be wound up
And here's what I wanted to say, in closing. He says,
21 And when the Seals are broke, the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, … Christ, setting His
foot upon the land and upon the sea, with a rainbow over His head. Now, remember this seventh angel
is on earth at the time of this coming. Hallelujah.
Brother, how blessed we are. How blessed we are that we would not only be a people that's alive in the
season, but a people that would have the Holy Spirit so moving in the church that you understand what
the Prophet was trying to get to back there. You know, this is the season. Many men have tried to probe
at these things, but they used their own intellect and made a complete mess of it. But the Holy Spirit is
here to take us into the genuine Word of God. So not to give us head knowledge, but let us recognize
the hour and season we're living in. I call you no more church, but Bride, joint heirs, 50/50 with Him, the
Prophet said. Amen. Hallelujah, do you love Him. Praise His wonderful Name.
Let's stand to our feet. Let’s sing that song Purify my heart. Amen.
How blessed we are. Amen. What a people. You know, we should be the happiest people on the earth.
There should not be a moment where we're downhearted or downtrodden. Brother, we should walk
with our head up and our shoulders back, because God has put us heir of all. Hallelujah. Let's just sing
this song. Amen with all the hearts.
Purify my heart.
Let me be as gold
And precious silver.
Purify my heart.
Let me be as gold, pure gold
Refiner’s fire
My heart’s one desire
Is to be holy
set apart for you, Lord
I choose to be holy
Set apart for you, my Master,
ready to do your will.
Oh, purify my heart,
cleanse me from within
and make me holy
purify my heart
cleanse me from my sin
deep within
Refiner’s fire
My heart’s one desire
Is to be holy
set apart for you, Lord
I choose to be holy
Set apart for you, my Master,
ready to do your will.
Let’s just give Him a hand of praise. Amen.
Oh Lord, we want to be more like You, Father. Make us like You, Lord. Day by day, Lord, we know on the
inside, something is telling us, Lord, we're becoming more like You. Hallelujah. Lord, You're turning
every weakness of ours into Your glory, Lord, for Your glory, Lord, …?...
Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Amen. You have a need tonight? Your need, whatever it is, if you're feeling
down in your spirit, if you need healing, just a fresh touch from the Holy Spirit, if you need a closer walk
with Him, Amen, just raise your hands and say, Lord, You know I am but flesh, but God, I'm so thankful
You placed something on the inside, Lord, Your own DNA, Father, Your own gene, Lord. And God, when I
call upon Your Name, Lord, You will answer my prayer, Father. Hallelujah. As Brother Tom comes
forward to close the meeting in a Word of prayer. Amen. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
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Wed. 7:30 PM
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