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Sun 10 AM
Tue & Thu 7:45 PM
Bro. Joshua Marshall • October 5, 2023. .
… The Word draws us, the Word pulls us, the Word gives us strength. The Word is a Light unto our feet, as the Scripture said. The Word shines where there's darkness. The Word gives us hope. The Word gives us understanding. The Word guides us. The Word gives us strength. Amen. We are kept, as Brother Branham said, by the bleeding, bloody Word. He cleanses us, and not only does He cleanse us, but He strengthens us too. Amen. So we're grateful that we can come. You know, Brother Branham said there'd be such a famine in the last days for the true Word of God. We know that's the truth. Amen. Because, Brother Branham said, what the enemy wants to do is break the confidence in the Word. How does he do that? By diluting the truth. Once he dilutes the truth, he breaks the confidence. And that's where he's gotten every age over the last 2, 000 years: By breaking the confidence in the Word of God. We are grateful for the strength and the vision and the revelation that God has given us to stay true to every Word of this Message. Amen. Aren't you grateful for that? I am!
Thank you, musicians. Thanks, Brother Mike - Brother Jake. So used to Brother Mike leading… Thanks, Brother Jake. Appreciate it, Brother. Amen. I just sprung it on Brother Jake last minute there, but the inspiration struck him and I'm grateful you allowed us to enter in, Brother. Thanks, Brother Jake. God Bless you.
Amen. So it won't be long this evening, just want to continue on where we've been really feasting on, the unfailing Words of promise. If we could just stand to our feet, amen. I think it's part 3 of the unfolding of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. We said the Message isn't a movement, but it's the Testimony of Jesus Christ. All we’re doing is just reminding ourselves of the Testimony of Jesus Christ.
Amen. So, if you have your Bibles, it's Revelations chapter 4.
I'm really, really trying to get into the Seven Church Ages and Seven Seals, but God just keeps pulling me back to the foundation. And I really don’t want to get stuck in there, but I believe we just lay a solid foundation, because Brother Branham said the Seven Trumpets, Seven Vials, the Seven Seals, the six fold instructions of Gabriel, they’re all connected. You know, so if we could just lay a foundation, I believe we'll preach the Seven Church Ages and the Seven Seals therein. Amen. It's such a connected piece of the Word that we have received. It cannot fail. Amen.
So, Revelation chapter four. Amen. From verse 1, Bible says,
After this I looked, and behold, the door was opened in heaven: And the first voice which I heard was, as it were, a trumpet talking with me;
Remember what Brother Branham said, a trumpet is a message, a shout. Amen. It says,
which said, Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.
And immediately I was in the Spirit.
I just want to make a note there. You see, that's why we cannot be in Laodicea. There's no way God can speak to us, when we're in Laodicea. What is Laodicea? It's systems, systems of economics, systems of politics, systems of religion. Remember, Brother Branham said we're not in Laodicea, we're caught up, we've been caught up into the Bride Age. Seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Amen. So he says, I was caught up,
I was in the Spirit: and behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
Amen. Now I want you to notice, God is showing John his Glory. Amen. And he said,
and he that set was to look upon like jasper and a sardine stone, and there was a rainbow round about the throne.
And you know what Brother Branham says the rainbow signifies? It's the Angel of the Covenant, the Covenant Angel. So we know this is the Angel of the Covenant, the same One that made the promise to Noah. Christ Himself. Amen. So he says about
In sight like unto an emerald
and round about the throne were four and twenty seats.
And upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white raiment. And they had on their heads crowns of gold,
and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices. Amen. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.
And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto a crystal, and in the midst of the throne, round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes, before and behind.
And the first beast was like a lion, and the second like a calf, and the third beast had a face of a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
Amen. May the Lord add a blessing to the reading of the Word. You may be seated. Amen.
Now, remember we spoke on - I believe, last time we left it where we started speaking on Revelations Chapter 1, and we tried to lay a foundation and see why it is that God changes His form. Amen. We said, God has many forms and we know when He was on earth, He was in a corporal body, the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, the One that died on the cross. That was His form. But we understand now that Bro. Branham said that His form has changed. If you are looking for Jesus’ corporal now, you won't find it. So the question is, where is He?
Brother Branham says that He is veiled in the Bride. Right. Amen. That is where He is. He's hidden in the Church of the Living God. The elect Church, that is where He is hidden! That is the form He is in today. There is only one God the world will see, that is Christ in us. Why? Because God needs us to continue the work, the plan of redemption. Amen. Praise His wonderful Name.
So just for an introductory quote, of Brother Branham saying in the “Breach between the Seven Ages and the Seven Seals”, 1963… He says… and now Brother Branham is referring to Zachariah. And we have read it many a times, you know, where Zachariah speaks of Zerubbabel and he said, Zerubbabel was the grandson of the final king of Judea, just before it was overtaken and overthrown by Babylon. And we understand that there was a message given to Zerubbabel through Cyrus to go back and restore the temple. He gave them the full Bill of Rights to go back and restore the temple that was destroyed by Babylon. So, we understand when the Bible speaks… when Zechariah speaks of Zerubbabel, he's speaking of Christ, but in type, because Zerubbabel restored the temple.
We said last time that the Jews are looking for a physical temple, one that they could go and pray, but they'll never find it. It's destroyed because that was a type of Someone who had come, hung on that cross and when He died the veil was rent. The true Lamb of God, the only Temple, the One that housed the fullness of God hung there. Amen.
But He's restoring. He's restoring. He died, rose again on the third day, sent back the Holy Spirit to activate the Seven Church Ages. And we understand, we're going through this because we're trying to show the deceit of the enemy that came in and corrupted the work of God through Seven Church Ages, Gentile Bride, Gentile elect. But, He's restoring it. Who? Christ, He's Zerubbabel. He's restoring it. He has right now. Amen.
So in Zechariah chapter 4 verse 10 it says,
Who hath despised the day of small things? Brother Branham says, God in simplicity, see. But they shall rejoice and see the plummet in the hands of the Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord which run to and fro through the whole earth.
Seven eyes, meaning seeing. Seeing means Prophet, Brother Branham says, Seers. The Lamb had Seven Horns and on each horn an eye, seven eyes.
What is it? Question, Brother Branham asked. What is it? Christ and His Bride. Seven Church Ages. Amen. So when you see those Seven Spirits, Seven Horns, Seven Eyes, Brother Branham says, that's Christ and His Bride. Why? Because He's taking and having preeminence in you and I, the only form the world will see in this hour. To do what? To continue the plan of redemption. You say, I have a plan? Of course you did. He said, when Jesus stood before those in the temple, He closed that Book and He only went as far as the acceptable year of the Lord. But He couldn't go on because it wasn't the season for Him to step into that. But there was another age, the Day of the Lord, which we are in right now, which fulfills that side of the Scripture. Amen.
So Who is it? Christ and His Bride, Brother Branham said. Whenever you see those Sevens, you know it's Christ and His Bride. Seven Horns, Seven Eyes, Seven Spirits, it's Christ and His Bride, Christ fulfilling His work through the Bride. The only set of eyes He’ll have is yours. The only set of hands He'll have is yours. The only set of feet He'll have is yours. The only legs He'll have is ours. There's no other Body He can work through in this age but through you and I. How surrendered do we have to be? Totally surrendered, because we don't want to hold back the work of God. But we want Him, God, to complete this work through us. Amen. So Brother Branham said, it's Christ and His Bride.
Now, if you can, turn with me, amen, this evening to... Let's just pick it up from Daniel chapter 7. I wanted to touch on Daniel last time, but we couldn't get to it. Now, I just want to say this - I just feel we have to clinch that nail around is mercy over/isn't mercy over? Because I didn't bring the quote, but we'll get to it next time.
Brother Branham said, when God comes to break those Seals, he says the plan of redemption is over. He says it's over. Brother Branham then refers to… he says, when the Lamb, Revelation 5, steps forward to take the Book… He steps forward, Brother Branham says, because He had been as an intercessor, sitting in that intercessory office, making intercession for those that would come. But Brother Branham said, when he steps forward, he says, his noble Lamb is …?... In other words, He's coming as King to claim His subjects, those He died for on the cross. But the question is, is mercy over? Amen, and I just want to clarify this. We said it last time, mercy cannot be over. Mercy cannot be over.
So I said, it's important to understand what angle you're looking at it from. If you were looking at it from the eyes of God, everything is done in God's eyes. It's complete work. There is not a mystery to God as to who will come and who's made it. If He knows how many times the bat bats its eyelids, don't you think God knows who's saved, who's in the Lamb's Book of Life, who is in the Book of Life? Of course He knows it. So, in God's eyes, it's finished. So when He breaks those seals, it's over. But in the eyes of men, there's always grace because we have the Spirit of Christ and we don't know like God knows. But we labor and we toil, hoping that God would save ten, like Abraham said. Four! Two! God use us, to lead us to that last one. That's the Spirit of Christ. So mercy cannot be over.
But when you read these Scriptures, you have to understand, remember in Genesis 1 where God said, Let there be…, Brother Branham said that in God's eyes it was finished. He didn't have to wait for the manifestation. The minute He pronounced it, and said, Let there be, it was as good as done. So in God's eyes, once the Word goes forth, it's finished. But even though he steps off… so Revelations 5, it's speaking from the angle of God, when He steps forward, Brother Branham says, and He takes that Book, he says, it's over. The Seventh Seal ends all things. It ends the systems of man. It ends everything because it reveals Christ. Amen. But mercy is not over. Amen. I want to clinch that this evening, because the Spirit of Christ will always look for that last one. Amen.
I was just relating this to one brother. Brother Branham said, you know, before the opening of the Word, he said, He always got into a situation and a state where he was so fed up with the systems and religion of the day and how he would speak against things. And when he comes back, every year, he said, it looks like it's getting worse. But then, I read somewhere - I forget the book - but Brother Branham said - and this was after the opening of the Word, he said… But now, he said, it feels like God wants me to run back to that river, where that boat is going down towards a waterfall. And he says, God wants me to run back there and say, get out while it's time. And I thought, there you go. When God is moving, that Spirit of Christ always steps in and says, Lord, 20 will you save it. Lord 10, will you save it? Why? Because we are that feminine part that can lay in the breach. …?... That's the ministry we’re under. Amen. Do you believe that this evening? Praise the Lord.
So if you look at Daniel 7, chapter 7, verse 9. Now I read such an interesting thing. Brother Branham speaking in the fourth seal, he said, Daniel saw those Thunders, and was forbidden to write. So if you look at chapter 7, verse 9, Brother Branham says, he says,
I beheld till the thrones were cast down and the Ancient of days did sit.
Now, if you look at verse 9, just before that, Daniel is speaking of the beast. Amen. We can actually just go from verse 4, Daniel chapter 7, verse 4. It says,
The first was like a lion, and had eagle's wings. I beheld till the wings were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made stand upon the feet as man, and a man's heart was given to it.
Behold, another beast, a second like a bear, it raised up itself on one side, and had three ribs in the mouth
and so forth. And if you look at that, what Daniel is seeing is Revelations 13. And you know what Revelations 13 is? It's the image of the beast, given power by the dragon. Brother Branham says that's the US and the system. So what Daniel is seeing is the beast, Revelations 13, where the devil is kicked out and takes a physical form. Because remember, Brother Branham said it was a doctrine, then he moved to a prophet, then he becomes incarnate. Just the way we receive it, we have the Word, Word was sent to a prophet and now God is veiled in His people. The devil does the same thing.
So Brother Branham said Revelations 12, Bride goes up, Satan is kicked out of heaven, takes on a physical form in Revelations 13. So what Daniel is seeing here is that beast. Brother Branham says powers, the bear, the eagle, the lion. These are powers, kingdoms coming together to form the beast, given power by the dragon. But, look at verse 9. Daniel is looking at the beast. So in other words, the church must have been gone, because he's looking at Revelation 13 and Revelation 13 is Satan incarnate. The Bride can't be here on earth at that time because she's taken up in Revelation 12.
But Daniel is looking at the beast, but in 9 he still beholds the Ancient of Days. Now, you say, brother, what are you trying to say? I'm trying to say, remember we said, the Day of the Lord is appearing, because in Revelations 1 – let’s just read verse 9, it says,
I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like pure wool: His throne was like a fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire.
Exactly the same description John gave in Revelations 1.
But in Revelation 1, when John turns to see, he sees Seven Church Ages. But the One standing in the midst of the Seven Church Ages, white hair like wool, feet as fine brass - in other words, this is the Day of the Lord, it's judgment. So Daniel is looking at it when the church is gone, but John looks at it when the Seven Church Ages are getting initiated, showing that it's still the Day of the Lord, but it goes all the way from the revealing of Satan, through the Word, which we're seeing and receiving now, all the way to the incarnate, Satan taking the incarnate form, showing that it’s still the Day of the Lord. It's a period, not a day, like we would think of. It's a period, but it starts with the Word of God being revealed. And there the Bride Age bursts open. And you know we are caught up in Laodicea, but we're transformed: Come up hither, John. And here you're sitting in the Day of the Lord, where things are being opened, the Word is being revealed. The enemy is showing his true colors to those with revelation to see it. Amen. Praise the Lord.
Do you see my point there? Daniel sees it, but he sees it from the angle when the Church is gone up and the devil is in his incarnate form. But still the Day of the Lord, the Ancient of Days, the great Judge, the same One that made His presence known in the first Church Age, is the same One that John sees in Revelations, just after he sees the vision of Revelations 13. You see that, Amen? Praise the Lord. The Day of the Lord, what a dreadful day it is to those who haven't been called to His purpose. But to those that have been called for and to His purpose, it's a glorious day, Amen, because our Light has come. Nothing to fear. Everything is working according to God's plan on the button, Brother and Sister. Amen. Praise His wonderful name.
So, as we move forward, turn with me to Ezekiel 1.
I wanted to get started straight into the Church Ages, but it's almost like God just wants me to go back and just lay this foundation, so that we understand clearly that what we are seeing in our day was foretold by prophets thousands of years ago. This Message isn't Brother Branham’s message. This is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Now look, we said in Revelation 4 John is caught up, and he sees One standing on the throne. But when he sees One standing on the throne, he sees the four beasts. And we spoke about the four beasts, the eagle, the lion, ox, man. So whenever you see the presence of God, you see beasts.
And like Zachariah speaking of Zerubbabel, not only are the four beasts made plain, but you see those seven lamps, seven eyes, which Brother Branham said, as we read, is Christ and His Bride. So in other words, the presence of God is both, male and female. You see that this evening? Out of Adam's side came Eve.
The Bible said even before Eve took on a physical manifestation, the Bible said male and female made He them. In other words, God was always male and female. But the season where we're speaking of this restoration under Zerubbabel, which is Christ - is that splitting of the feminine and masculine part of Christ. Where the physical attributes of the feminine side of God takes on a physical manifestation in the Bride. Why? Because they are joint heirs. 50/50. God cannot rule without His Bride. She's sitting on the throne of God, judging. That's where her place is. That's her rightful place, and God is restoring her to that, because she's a part of Him. Amen.
So you see when we get to the Seven Church Ages, when you think of the presence of God, it’s always male and female. It's those Seven Horns, Seven Eyes, Seven Spirits, Bride and Christ together. When Brother Branham actually says - and we'll come to the quote - let me just carry on. You see that this evening?
So, Ezekiel, let's read Ezekiel chapter 1. I'm just reading Scriptures, you can take notes and tie them in as you carry on further for yourself there. But Ezekiel chapter 1 verse 4 says,
And I looked, and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber. We know that's the color of God. Fire. Yellowish, greenish. Brother Branham said, that's His colors. …out of the midst of the fire.
Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of the four living creatures.
So, here He is. Ezekiel seen Revelation 4. And I want to show you something beautiful. It says,
and out of the midst thereof came the likeness of the four creatures. And this was the appearance, they had the likeness of a man.
And everyone had four faces, and everyone had four wings.
And their feet were straight feet. And the soles of their feet were like the soles of a calf's foot. And they sparkled like the color of burnished brass.
And they had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides, and they four had their faces and their wings.
Their wings were joined one to another: they turned not when they went, they went everyone straight forward.
As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, the face of a lion on the right side, and they four had the face of an ox on the left side, they four also had the face of an eagle.
So we're speaking of those four beasts, those four powers that God uses to protect the Church. In other words, those four beasts are the Power working through the Church, 'cause we said Seven Horns and Seven Eyes, the four beasts on the throne, Revelations 4, as John came up, is Christ and His Bride. It's the power of God working through the Church. So, in other words, the presence of God is those four beasts, the Seven Horns and Seven Eyes. It is the Church. Bride, feminine. Christ, masculine. Together. Cause He's in the form of the Church, working and completing the plan of redemption. Not in the form of Jesus Corporal, but in the form of the Bride. Brother Branham said that, you know that, eh? Threefold purpose. To have the fullness and the pre-eminence in Christ Jesus which He has done. Then to have the fullness and the pre-eminence in the Bride. Then the third is to restore back Eden. Threefold purpose of the plan of redemption.
I want you to see yourself this evening. God cannot move without you. He needs you. He is you and you are Him. Might not feel like that, because the flesh rises up. And you see the carnal side of who you are. That one that's ailing and getting frail in the mirror, wrinkles… but that's not you. You are as eternal as Melchesidec is. No beginning, no end. We serve a God of Theophanies. Amen. That's you. Word body in the beginning. Praise His wonderful Name.
So Ezekiel is seeing the Throne of God. Now turn with me, same chapter, to verse 24. Ezekiel 1, verse 24.
And it says,
And when they went, I heard the noise of the wings, like the noise of great waters.
You know what Brother Branham says. He says that's multitudes of people. In other words, God's presence is in the midst of people. Elected.
He says, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of an host, when they stood they let down their wings.
These mighty creatures are making the noises of multitudes of people. Veiled in the church, obviously. Ministry working for the church. His Bride. Amen. And verse 26 says,
And above the firmament that was over their head was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance (you see Revelations 4 there?) of Sapphire stone, and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man upon it.
And I saw it as the color of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward. I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had a brightness round about it.
Now listen to what Brother Branham said in Revelation chapter 4, series 1961.
He says,
155 I want you to remember God still exists in the same colors
He is speaking of the ambers. It says,
“from the loins upward, fire, amber color,” shot with…
And now Brother Branham is speaking... You know, Brother Branham said that picture was taken in our day? If I could print it out, I'd show to you. There was a picture taken of Brother Branham. And there was fire from his loins down. Fire from his loins even upward. Now, Brother Branham is speaking of that picture and he says,
…shot with a movie camera or with a color camera, “Amber from the loins up, from the loins down, and all around, many colors like is in the rainbow in the sky after rain.” Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever! The Holy Spirit still in His power, still in the Church in this last days. There you are. (Listen to what Brother Branham says) Not me, I was just standing there, but it was a picture that was taken. I want you to look at that, just exactly what Ezekiel saw. Same colors, the same way, and acted the same way, and flush the same way, of the Living Creatures. What is it? The Living Creatures represents the Living Church, the Church that's living by the power and the resurrection of Christ.
You see what I'm saying? He's God's presence. He's amongst us. You are His presence. Brother Branham said, It wasn't me, I was just standing there. But he said it's God showing and proving through that picture that the resurrection power is in the Church. When you see those four Beasts, when you see the Seven Eyes and the Seven Horns, it's you and I, because we are His form. Amen. Oh, praise the Lord.
Now, final note, and then we'll just speak on Ephesus, and then we'll close. Chapter 3, Ezekiel. And you just take notes, and you know, when you have time, go through them. Amen.
Now, I want you to notice, God is moving, God is about to tell Ezekiel, break forth, upon Ezekiel, a message to Israel. Now, you know, Brother Branham says, Israel - physical, Bride – spiritual. Exactly, God deals with them the same way. Just one is in the physical, which is Israel, the other is spiritual, which is the Bride, Gentile. Amen. But God deals with us in exactly the same way, in parallel, He does.
So here God is breaking a message on Ezekiel. But, you know, Ezekiel is the son of man, and you know I'm speaking of our son of man, Brother Branham. A message to Israel. Not Israel physically, Israel spiritual, the Bride. Amen. We are Zion, we are Israel, but spiritual. Amen.
So he says, verse 3, he says,
Moreover he said unto me, son of man,
I'm just trying to see… Let's go from chapter 2, Ezekiel chapter 2, verse 8. It says,
But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee: Be not thou rebellious like the rebellious house upon thy mouth,
And I was thinking, this Scripture perfectly parallels Laodicea. Same thing. Rebellious, Christ put on the outside of the church - trying to get back in. Same thing. So, as God is unfolding a message for Ezekiel to a rebellious Israel, you can see Brother Branham… God unfolding a Message to Brother Branham, a son of man in this day, to a rebellious people, those that have put Christ outside. And he says,
…like the rebellious house, open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee.
And I like this because you'll notice the instruction, and you'll see it's exactly what happened in Revelations 10, verse 8, which is go to the angel and take the Book and eat it. But he's doing it and the instruction is going to Ezekiel, the son of man. But you know what happens in Revelations 10, 8. The instruction is given to John, and John is a type of the Bride.
So in other words, in Ezekiel, it's a one man ministry. Let's just go with this. Verse 9, it says,
And when I looked, behold, a hand was sent unto me, and lo, a roll of a book was therein.
Do you see that? Same thing that we got in our day. Seven Seals on the back side, Seven Seals on the back side of the Book of Redemption God had coming down, descending from heaven. Amen, do you see that?
And he says, verse 10,
And he spread it before me, and when it was written within and without.
Isn't that exactly what we had in our day. Brother Branham said, a book sealed with Seven Seals, but on the back side, Seven Seals. Amen. Written within and without, on the backside. So same thing, same message to Ezekiel, but for a physical Israel. Same thing, same Message given to Brother Branham, but for a spiritual Israel, elect Bride.
So he says,
written within and without, and there was written there in lamentations and mourning and woe.
You see, when the Message goes forward, it's life and judgment, together. Because to those that received the message, it's life. To those that reject it, it's judgment. Right there, judgment. You see, that's why when you're looking at it that way, you understand when Brother Branham said judgment happens when He comes to take break that book. Because to those that reject it, it's judgment straight away, in the eyes of God. Amen.
Chapter 3 says,
Moreover, he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest: eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel.
This is the Son of man ministry to Ezekiel.
So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll.
And he said unto me, Son of man, cause thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll I give thee. Then I did eat it: and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness.
And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel and speak with my Words unto them.
In my belly bitter; in my mouth sweet as honey. Same thing! Same thing. What am I saying? I'm saying, Instruction was given to Ezekiel…, but in Revelations 10:8, we'll come to that – it’s the Bride. Go and eat the Book. Why? 'cause God is veiled in you now. You are His presence. Amen.
As we close, one last thought. Amen. I think I could finally get to the Church Ages.
So you see when I said, when you see God's presence, it's His church. It’s the Bride. It's you and I. You cannot separate the Shekinah Glory from the Bride of Jesus Christ, they are one and the same thing, because you are Him veiled. He is you, you are Him in this day and age. Amen.
So as we just lay the foundation for the first Church Age, we'll come to it again next time, but: Church of Ephesus.
You understand that Brother Branham said - now we understand, we've set the scene. We understand that God has taken a corner. He's gone from Jesus corporal, veiled in the corporal Body of Jesus - but now He's veiled in the Church, the Bride. The Word. The Word. We speak of the Word, the Word. What is the Word? The Word is you. Because it's Christ in the Church fulfilling His Word. The living Word veiled in you. You are the Word, the Word is you. Christ and His Bride. Amen.
Brother Branham said the church of Ephesus went all the way from 55 AD to 170 AD. So, so that means that I believe Paul was killed at around 65 and 68 AD. So Brother Branham said, Paul never saw the entire Church of Ephesus. He handed that over to John. And he was the pastor when Paul went off the scene, John took over for the Church of Ephesus. Between 55 AD and 170 AD. Now I want to just lay this foundation because you'll see the first Seal there. In preaching the first Church Age you will see the first Seal. So, Brother Branham said, 55 AD to 170 AD, Church of Ephesus.
Now remember, this was the original. The original, they came straight out of the upper room, filled with the Holy Spirit, dancing in the Spirit, fulfilling the work of God, as instructed by God in the upper room, came up. But the enemy moved in. Why did he move in? Because except the corn of wheat, fall to the ground, except it die... Not only die, Brother Branham says, but rot, it cannot bring forth more. What is God trying to do? He's trying to bring forth the greater works. Brother Branham said, what is the greater works? The greater works is not greater miracles than what Jesus did. But he said, it's because there's more of Him coming. That's the greater works. So except the corn of wheat falls to the ground and die and rot, it can't abide alone. But when it does fall, rot, die, it brings forth more. Principal of God, laid in the Scripture.
So, although it was the original, it had to die, so that it could bring forth the living Church of God, coming forth in the power and the demonstration of the Holy Spirit through Seven Church Ages. Amen.
Now, if you turn with me to Ephesians chapter 5, I won't be long, just another 10 minutes. Ephesians chapter 5, reading from verse 3.
And I want you to notice… Now remember, can you imagine Paul? Paul was sent to Ephesus. Ephesus was a God forsaken city. It had the move of God because there was a lot of work that Paul and the disciples had done through that part of the country which was Asia Minor, but pagan nonetheless.
And I'm saying this because I want you to realize what they went through is not so different from what we're going through in this day. When you see that, you'll understand that that same… You know Brother Branham said that white horse rider, he doesn't ride and then stop. He rides right through. The black horse rider starts and rides right through. Why? Because they're spirits, power. Spirits don't die. They just change habitation, but they continue. The pale horse starts, carries straight on. The red horse starts, carries straight on. They're riding still. Amen.
So, look at Ephesians chapter 5 verse 3. Paul gives us a bit of insight into what he's doing. Now remember this was the church that came out of the upper room. But the enemy's at work. How is he at work? By diluting the Word, breaking the confidence in the Word. Amen.
He says, verse 3:
But fornication, and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not once be named among you, as becometh saints;
Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
For this ye know, that no whoremonger, no unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
Let no man deceive you with vain words; for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience,
Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
For ye were sometimes darkness, but now ye are light in the Lord; walk as children of light: (He's imploring them.)
(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth,)
Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
What is Paul dealing with? He's dealing with the society of pagan worshipers, that will eventually influence the Church.
But all the things that are reproved are made manifest by the light; for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
See that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Paul is in quite a situation. Now I was, I did some… if you read Acts chapter 6, I'm not going to read it for the sake of time, but go read Acts chapter 6, you can make a note of it. Acts chapter 6 speaks of the ordination of those deacons, first deacons. And among them was, Amen, was… let's just turn to Acts chapter 6.
So, here's Acts chapter 6, from verse 3, and you can read from verse 4, lets pick it up. It says,
But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.
And, and the saying pleased the whole multitude, and they chose…
so here's the choosing of the first deacon, Brother Branham says.
…chose Stephen, a man full of faith, and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas, a proselyte of Antioch.
Brother Branham said… If you read history, history says, Nicholas was a proselyte. In other words, he changed his religion, changed his mask. He was a pagan worshipper. Was a pagan worshipper, but then went to Judaism.
And then he switched back to a New Testament church. But he was unconverted and he birthed the Nicolaitan movement. And if you read the history of the Nicolaitan movement, it can be summarized into one thing: It's compromise. The Bible said and history says he brought that pagan understanding into the very core doctrine of the church at that time. A deacon, but God placed him there for a reason. Why? Because God had to bring that death into the church so that it could die to resurrect, the principle of God we just spoke of. But a warning to us: don't compromise! Don't ever compromise on the Word of God, because therein, death can take you just like that. One Word off, Brother Branham said. One Word off!
So here, Nicholas, the proselyte, begins to work amongst the church, bringing in compromise, pagan elements coming into the church. Amen. So bad was it that, that Paul now begins to contend with paganism amongst yhe Ephesian church. What is paganism? Antichrist; anything against the Word of God. Compromise. What is the enemy trying to do? Dilute the Word. Cause faith cometh by... “hearing”. If he dilutes the Word, he dilutes your… “faith”. Don't compromise! May God give us grace never to compromise on the Word. Never!
Turn with me to the final Scripture and then we'll close. Acts chapter 19, verse 23, and it says,
And the same time there arose no small stir about the way.
For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto the craftsmen:
whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation, and said, sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth.
Moreover, we see and hear that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they be no gods, which are made with hands:
So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at naught: but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth.
And when they heard these sayings, they were full of wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
Now, history, if you read that, to the Greeks she was known as Diana, the goddess, but the Romans would call her Artemis, or the temple of Artemis. And Brother Branham said that they were known for this massive temple that stood there, marble and fine materials and all of that.
But she was known as the god of fertility. And I found it… you speak of corruption. I was just looking at some of the rituals they would perform. In those days they would bring virgins from the city. And they would give them positions they called sacred prostitutes. In other words, for a period of time they'd come into the temple of Diana, Diana or Artemis, and there they would perform the work of prostitutes in the temple, because the act was seen as a sacred.
And I was thinking, isn't that just exactly what happens when you fornicate with the Word? Right in the temple, fornication, a type of God trying to say, in that day where the spirit of Nicolas, the proselyte came in , there was a condition of compromise, spiritual fornication in the so-called temple, church of the living God.
So you get the sense. And history will tell you that this pagan atmosphere began to overtake the church. Because eventually they were becoming so much like those living in the day and age in Ephesians - the church was - that they began to water down their belief. Day by day.
Isn't it the same with us? We can come to church. Idolatry. Go to a church, go back the same. It's just a lodge. Go to church, go out the same. Come to church… God help us. But no prick in the heart, no desperation, no sincerity. It's idolatry. Nothing else. Idolatry. It's idolatry. Why? Because religion has become your god. And Christ is on the outside trying to get back in, because He wants a personal relationship, not religion.
So the devil might not be as explicit or direct as he was in those days, but now it's even more deceptive. And even in the New Testament, Church Christ warns them, it says, it might deceive the very elect, if it were possible.
So deceptive is it. Why? Because the devil… Remember Brother Branham was going to preach “The Trail of the Serpent”. God did not allow him to, because I think he would've exposed a lot. Maybe it wasn't season. But the trail of the serpent goes all the way from… into the so-called Message. Because the greatest lie ever told was the one that was 99.999% the truth. Amen.
Praise the Lord. So Ephesians began to water down. Brother Branham said, then they began to become cultured. Paganism started to slowly get in among them and then they became cultured. And it was: no, we don't like to dance in the Spirit and slap the tambourine in the street corner anymore. Let's find a different way of worshipping God, something that looks better to the eye. And right there, Brother Branham said, they birthed the Antichrist doctrine, the white horse rider riding. First thing you know is Trinity begin to move among them, off the Word of God. Why? Because through compromise they ended up there. If that was the truth, then don't you think the same is in this hour? You find we don't have the power amongst us to keep our children from backsliding. It's not because it’s a problem with the Word, but it's because of what we have done and compromised. It's the truth, brother. Television. Fashion. Sport. All these things are idolatry. It's idol worship. Church, religion, idol worship, because it's there to keep you from the Truth, which is Christ the Word, standing at the door to the heart, trying to get in. Idolatry. Amen. May God never let us get to that.
We've recognized by the Word who the white was rider with no arrow is. He has a bow and no arrow. He is riding still. And it's becoming to us to keep our guards up, to never compromise in the Word of God. Never compromise on the Word of God. Amen. Why? Because we said, God… you are the dwelling place of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are His presence. What they saw in Heaven, One sitting on the throne, four beasts, and elders worshiping, four and twenty elders saying, Holy, holy, worthy, worthy, that presence has come from heaven and is now dwelling in the Bride of Jesus Christ. That's the purpose and plan of God. Amen. Let us not compromise.
Amen. Brother Branham said if a million fall on the right and a million on the left, let it not come by you. If there's one person that makes the rapture, it will be you. Amen. I think God is taking our eyes off the big names, the big ministries, because I'll tell you something brother, they failed it. They're taking us back to church instead of the Word, taking us back to religion instead of Christ. Amen. I'm not saying they all are. But to me it just seems like there's this move of to take us back to religion instead of a relationship with Christ as individuals. Amen.
Do you love Him? Amen. Aren't you grateful for the power of the Holy Spirit that has come down in the form of the eagle eyes to give us the eyes to be able to see the devil for who he is, and to be able to see God for Who He is, to know that He's working in us, among us, in the same power He had when He was in Christ here on earth.
Praise His wonderful Name. Let's stand to our feet. Amen. Praise his wonderful Name.
Let's just pray. Our gracious Lord, we are so thankful, Father, for your Word. Lord, may these simple words, Father, find a bedding ground of faith. Lord, as Brother Branham said, we can all reveal the text, but it takes the Holy Spirit to reveal the context of the Word of God. May You continue to be the Alpha Speaker, Lord. May Revelation be in attendance, Lord. We have just hit the highlights here tonight, Lord, but when your people go back and study, Lord, may the Holy Spirit so move among them that they might have such a thirst for revelation, faith, and understanding. Give them the faith that they need, Lord, to recognize, Lord, that you are veiled in them.
We're so far beyond condemnation. And the mistakes we made, the devil would want to keep us there, God, but the Word has come to raise our faith, to let us know that we are sons and daughters of the Living God. Thank you, Lord Jesus. We love you. Give us safe traveling mercies, Lord. When we come back again, Father, we will give you all the praise and the honor and the glory, for we’re asking in Jesus precious Name. Amen.
Let’s just sing one song: I love Him. I love HIM, because He first love me. Amen.
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Wed. 7:30 PM
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